IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Мырзабаева А.А. 1
1Международный казахско-турецкий университет имени Х.А. Ясави
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Biology as a subject is design to provide high-quality training of school students. The solution of this difficult problem successfully, can only be their acquaintance with the objects in a natural or artificial environment. To do this, the teacher uses one of the most important forms of biology teaching - an excursion. Excursion - a form of organization of educational process, directed at the assimilation of educational material outside of school. When the tour is involved the all of the class, and guided material is closely associated with the program in the natural sciences, it becomes a form of general classroom activities. In this case it is included in system of a lesson and it is an important part of the training process. Various excursions used in teaching biology. Themed tours are usually conducted in the study of any particular section of the school of Biology - bacteria, fungi, lichens; plants; animals; man and his health; general biology. In the course of these excursions, we study the structure, the composition of the designated facilities, and operation patterns when exposed to a variety of factors internal and external environment.

Complex tours are focused to the objects those are relevant to the different sections of biology. As these facilities serves, the environment and its factors, biodiversity - species, ecosystem and genetic, health, measures of animal and plant protection. The objectives of introductory tours are acquaintance of pre-school children with the objects of nature. Current tours tend to be thematic in nature, for consolidating and expanding the content of the material obtained in class, as well as the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Concluding tours are mostly generalizing in nature. They often take place at the end of the study a major theme or section as a whole.

The priority position in the system of learning process in biology,defined by takingthe place of excursion. Excursions into nature to elucidate the diversity of wildlife, particularly their structure, function and interactions in certain circumstances. During excursions to agricultural production, students see the successful transformation of flora and fauna. On trips to museums, botanical gardens, nurseries they introduced to the variety of forms that make up the wildlife, because of a long evolution of life on Earth.

The success of any tour depends on the development of a methodology. Leading method of studying the nature of the excursions is called observation. Observation allows us to shape the child's full and clear view of outside world, to reveal the relationship.

As for lessons and excursions for the teacher develops a plan and its implementation. It reflects the following items: 1) the theme of the tour; training, educational and developmental - 2) trips the problem; 3) methods and techniques of teaching; 4) excursion equipment; 5) the course of the tour: a) an introductory talk on the topic and allocation (up to 8 minutes); b) an excursion with the emphasis on a certain attention to the sequence of schoolboys on objects animate and inanimate nature (25 - 50 minutes); c) perform any tasks (up to 20 min); d) a discussion of observations (10- 15 min); d) inspection area tours and performing practical work for its improvement (time is determined depending on the volume of work); e) The overall conclusion on trips (up to 5 min); 6) processing the collected material, training (at home, in the classroom) or report the message. In order to ensure complete order on excursions teacher distributes the students in groups of 4-5, where the elected senior responsible for discipline.

In general, the value of biological excursions for pupils’ identity formation is as follows.

  1. Excursions allow specifying the objects of nature with targeted monitoring. At the same time students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the actual conditions of their essential characteristics, as well as relationships with other objects.

  2. Excursions are closely associated with the process of learning the life of our country and the nature of life.

  3. Excursions allow showing nature as a holistic education with established multiple interactions, the destruction of which man creates environmental problems.

  4. Excursions contribute to the development of mental processes and, above all, the perception of which is based on observation of biological objects. Perception as a form of sensory reflection can detect these objects in the field of observation, distinguished by certain characteristics, and adequately respond to them.

  5. An excursion enriches the emotional sphere of pupils. Impressions received by them during the tour, turn into a long bright and unforgettable experiences. The knowledge gained in these conditions, are more durable and longer stored.

  6. Excursions help familiarize students with the ecological conditions of residence areas, and therefore the formation of their responsible attitude to the environment, their health and the health of others.

  7. Excursions allow forming the students' practical skills to transform the surrounding reality - cleaning of territories, planting, care of animals, etc., that are necessary for their everyday life.

  8. Excursions enhance physical health of schoolchildren. This is especially the case during the Tour route, when one goes to a place of stationary observations and performs independent practical work.

Excursions are also important for the teacher. Caught with students in natural or other conditions, it deeply understands its own relationship to reality, especially its living component.

Of course, the excursion should not be boring continuation of the lesson. In this regard, the trip plan should always be included game elements, observations, experiments. After all, any report, any conversation cannot be interested in as skillfully conducted tour. The specificity of the observed phenomena, processes need to jot down what he had seen, to compare, draw conclusions, and then to apply this knowledge in the classroom and in life-all contribute to the development of thinking and observation of students, makes us think about the fact that previously passed by the attention.Performing tasks during excursions related to specific observations, develops students' research tendencies and autonomy in obtaining knowledge. At the same time, they come in close contact with nature objects that have them raising an impact: they learn responsibility for their work, the ability to do the work until the end, developing a sense of community.

On tours of biology easy to implement the individualization of learning, to apply a differentiated approach that allows you to take into account the wide interests of students. Tours provide a great opportunity to show students the scientific principles of environmental protection, provide an opportunity to involve students to work and equip them with the skills and abilities of using biological regularities in practice.


1. Akvileva GN Klepinina ZA Method of teaching science in elementary school. - M .: Publishing Center "Vlados", 2007.

2. NF Vinogradova The world around us in an elementary school. -M .: Publishing Center "Academia"(Academy), 2010.

3. RA Dyakov Basics Excursion. - M .: Publishing Center "Enlightenment" (Prosveshenye), 2000.

4. Traytak DI "How to make an interesting class work in biology," M. "Enlightenment" (Prosveshenye), 1971

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