IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Турганбай С.К. 1, Рыскалиева А.Е. 1
1Евразийский Национальный Университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева
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Due to changes in different spheres of modern life it is necessary to prepare a competitive person that is the person, who capable of critical and creative thinking, of making assertions and defend them. Regardless of the chosen profession this person must able to engage in social relations with confidence, achieving high performance with minimal amount of time and resources, capable to self-improvement, self-change, an active adaptation to labor-market. Education should be built so that graduates can independently set earnest socially significant goals and achieve them, respond to different life situations skillfully.

Concerning this issue, various types of educational institutions have great importance, including the institutions of a supplementary education of children, and their interaction. The main goal of such cooperation is creation of a common educational space, which is formed on the basis of a harmonious relationship with the educational standards and opportunities of supplementary education intended for comprehensive development of the personality of each child in miscellaneous activities, thus for the gradual onset of the needs and capacity for creative self-development.

Education as a complete system involves two objectives - socialization and individualization. For the effective and successful implementation of each of them is necessary, on the one hand, to have two goals, that free-standing by their objectives and scope of educational activities. On the other hand the integration of these areas into a single educational space. These two areas are autonomous basic and supplementary education as equal spheres of general education, ensuring its integrity. Here the main task is the development of the child as a subject of life and pedagogical support as the main activity. An attention must be focused on the child within his/hers capabilities and needs of self-realization as Man and moreover who possesses huge resource potential. To do this, you must discern the interconnection of basic and subsidiary education, and then it is necessary to identify their peculiarities to understand what the meaning of "apart existence" is and at the same time, why they are part of a single.

The study, analysis and accounting of value orientations of students, and their abilities allow to be more focused on planning educational system work. In general, the system of basic education is focused on the socialization of the individual, civic education, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love to nature, homeland and family.

The main directions of subsidiary education: sports, artistic and aesthetic content, intellectual, economic, labor, education and training, which means it is focused on certain area.

Thus, the integration of the basic and additional education allows actualizing a strategy for the development of the child's personality, to track personal growth and if necessary to carry out remedial and development activities.

There exists a direct relationship between the basic and supplementary education. The higher the school level, the more the needs of students in further education, and vice versa: the richer and more meaningful organization of forms of additional education, the greater the opportunities for implementation of basic education programs in schools.

All subsidiary schools contribute directly to achievement of children and young people. Most have a role in supporting parents and promoting community cohesion. But there are other shared characteristics that may lead to a workable definition of a subsidiary school. Schools may:

  • offer a range of learning opportunities, including national curriculum subjects (English, math, science and others), faith-based studies, mother-tongue classes, cultural studies and other activities, such as sport, music and dance;

  • run after school, in the evenings or at weekends;

  • be managed by local community groups, and rely on volunteers for staffing and financial contributions;

  • operate from a ‘community’ venue – for instance, a youth club, a place of worship, mainstream school or community center.

Common goals for most subsidiary schools include:

  • raising attainment, often through study support in national curriculum subjects or the teaching of community languages;

  • engaging parents in school and learning;

  • providing positive role models, reinforcing positive identities and boosting children’s self-esteem;

  • keeping students safe and positively occupied;

  • contributing to integration and cohesion.

Supplementary schools are vital to children’s education, providing culture, heritage, language and study support and the National Resource Centre is committed to working with them. But there are challenges that they all face.

The solutions to these challenges lie in a balance between support and independence, with partnership-working acting as a bolster for sustainability. While support from local authorities is not to be underestimated, and while there is much to be gained from strengthening links with mainstream education, we also feel it is important that a supplementary sector should maintain its independence, as this is such a strong feature of many schools. For example, many parents and children value the fact that their supplementary school offers something ‘other’ and something ‘extra’ than mainstream education. It may be because they are independent and run by community members; or because they don’t have the authoritarian view that mainstream schools are perceived to have. Whatever the reasons, supplementary schools succeed in attracting families and children and make a positive contribution. They are amazing organizations run by communities for communities, meeting the needs of their children and providing opportunities for parents to learn about and engage with their children’s education.

The value of the additional education is that it enhances varieties component of the general education and help to realize the knowledge of the learners obtained in the basic component - at school. Principles of the general and additional education are united. But the methods, techniques, technology have own peculiarities. The fact that the main contents of the additional education is practice-oriented activity. There the student acts himself in searching the situation, learns from the interaction with the objects of labor, nature, cultural monuments, etc. There are situations when the student needs to extract knowledge from the outside world. Such education is only creativity, because motivates a child to find his own way.

As we can see, basic and supplementary education mutually complete each other, at the same time supplementary schools help student to expand and deepen their skills in formation features. The reliance on the content of basic education is the main feature of the development of the additional education of children; also correlation can be privileged in upbringing, learning and developing processes.


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Просмотров работы: 238