IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


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This article discusses the military power of the State in the context of its structure and methods of evaluation. An important place is given to positions of Russia among the world's major powers. Examines the problem of ensuring an effective system of military power.Proposed actions to strengthen the military power of Russia.

Political and military instability, ongoing economic sanctions and the deepening economic crisis leaves its mark on Russia's national security. The international community entered a period of global political and economic turbulence. Therefore, increasing the relevance of the problems of the military power of the state.

The structure of the military power of the state - a complex system, the main elements of which are military-economic, scientific-technical, moral- psychological and military potential. In the twenty-first century innovative structural element is cyberpower.

Protecting national interests is determined by the state of the military-industrial complex (MIC) of the country, which is the basis of its military power. Strategic Priorities of National Security formed the basis of the analysis of the current geopolitical situation.

Undoubtedly, of great interest is the assessment of the military power of the state, characterized next to certain indicators because of the complexity and multifaceted structure. However, in scientific circles today there is a particular methodology and theoretical framework for the accurate assessment. The military power of a particular state is determined by a comparison of the characteristics of his military power with the same performance of its geopolitical rivals.

An important feature of military power is its qualitative renewal by equipping a new perspective armed forces, improvement of their combat training and infrastructure.

Statistical data, according to the applicable procedures of military power evaluation clearly demonstrate a sufficient level and the strong position of Russia among the world's major powers. However, to ensure an effective system of military power is associated with a number of problems,

chief among which are: the incompleteness of the Armed Forces of the reform process; remaining gap between the political attitudes and their implementation; insufficient funding of national defense; inefficient management in the military sphere; the imperfection of the legal framework.

In the development of all components of military power of the country the crucial role belongs to the human factor. Therefore, consciousness-raising, civil liability, professionalism and social activity of the military leaders and specialists is a priority direction of work on strengthening of the state, its defense capability.

Serious changes must take place in material-technical base of the defense industry.High-tech manufacturing, which is created in the defense industry is a strong impetus for the national economy as a whole. Military research should be a powerful engine of innovation growth.

In order to strengthen the defence industry need:

formation of the optimal structure of the defense budget with a priority on R & d financing the military sphere;

legal and financial support "breakthrough" and the "dual" research and development, creation of centers of competence in the main areas of scientific and technological development, defence industry, integrated structures, research and development enterprises and organizations of the defense complex to develop and qualitative development of PVN, with the possibility of direct budget funding;

tax and export-import incentives, state credit guarantees to organizations engaged in R & d and defense industry enterprises;

improving the economic mechanism of stimulation of innovative process in the context of the financial-credit, price and investment policies;

stimulate development of high-quality and high-tech products, competing on world markets;

training of personnel capable of providing innovative transformation in the defense industry;

legislative support for the development of the defense industry.

However, to ensure effective implementation of the necessary concentration of financial and material resources on priority directions of development of science and technology, support of leading scientific schools, creation of necessary infrastructure for research and development with the simultaneous protection of intellectual property domestically and abroad, the development of public network of scientific-technical and commercial information.

The priority remains the cooperation in the military-technical sphere, allowing Russia to represent its interests in new international markets.

Strengthening of Russian military power is connected with the formation and implementation of the unified state policy in this area, consolidating the efforts of all branches and bodies of power, concentration and rational use of allocated powers, means and resources.

The main emphasis in this case should be on the justification of Russia's actions for the achievement of its long-term strategic goals in the international political and foreign economic spheres, identifying strategic partners and allies. Activities throughout the system to strengthen the military power is impossible without an appropriate legislative framework.

Библиографические ссылки

1. 10 самых мощных армий мира. [Электронный ресурс]. URL:


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