IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


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Scientific and Scientific style has a special place among the other functional styles, because the text has its own structure and a specific set of linguistic resources used. Today, scientific style unusually widespread and uses in many spheres of human activity, which explains its genre diversity. Translating text from one language to another is a major problem, because in different languages scientific style has its own features. Technical style is typical for text, which has a special content. The objective of this presentation is the transmission of the amount of knowledge relating to specific areas of new research results message, or an explanation of both. [2, p. 126]

Scientific style is typical for text intended to communicate exact details of any special area and to consolidate the process of cognition. The most eye-catching, but not the only feature of this style is the use of special terminology. [1, p. 336]

The main features of scientific style:

1. Evidence of the accuracy of the argument, which reached the fullness of statements;

2. The logical rigor, objectivity, consistency;

3. The narrow focus of the content;

4. The presence of a special terminology.

Extensive and intensive development of scientific style led to the formation within it of the following species (sub-genres):

1) Research (monographs, dissertations, research papers, reports);

2) Popular science (lectures, articles, essays);

3) Training and Research (textbooks, manuals, programs, lectures, summaries);

4) Research and business (technical documentation, contacts, test messages, instructions for the enterprise);

5) Research and informative (patent descriptions, informative abstracts, annotations);

6) Finding (dictionaries, encyclopedias, manuals, catalogs).

Any scientific text has a header complex, which performs two functions - onomastic (header text distinguishes one from the other) and a contact establishing (header directly and immediately points to the object of study). Next, the author's name and place of work are indicated. The complex consists of a header and a brief abstract of the article, which allows the reader to form an opinion about its contents. The hallmark of the annotation is more free style, compared to the purely scientific, allowing even the use of original metaphors.

The second essential component of the scientific text is introductive communicative unit, which can be represented by a separate chapter in the books or a few paragraphs in the article.

Then follow the main communication units, which may be represented by heads and inside the heads of smaller fragments - sections, paragraphs, digital breakdowns.

Concluding communication blocks: conclusion epilogue, the findings are the most compressed statement of the overall findings of the study. It also may indicate the future direction of research in this area.

It is hard to imagine a modern scientific work, in which the author would not have resorted to the use of data relevant to the subject of his studies and received some time ago by other authors. There are practically no scientific works starting from absolute zero, i.e., those that are not associated with the accumulated knowledge and experience, which have already found reflection in the professional literature.

Bibliographical references are not just mention the names of other authors and titles of works, but extremely complex process of relating own research, personal experience with the existing set of scientific data. Bibliographical references allow you to quickly identify links of the research with previous researches, to characterize the source-base and the scientific position of the author.

Lexical-phraseological structure of scientific style with a semantic point of view can be divided into three groups. The first group includes words and phrases peculiar to the national literary language and speech used in the book with the same value, which is stuck in the language. They are the basis of vocabulary and phraseology book style, but do not create its identity.

The second group includes the words and expressions of the national literary language, which in scientific style changed their semantics and became terms. Therefore, the specificity of values ​​may indicate the text belonging to the scientific style.

The third group includes special words and combinations that are not used nowhere except in scientific language. It includes highly specialized and general scientific terminology. [3]

Scientific style has its phraseology. Free equivalent of phraseological unit is a type of topical phrases in scientific speech. Figurative expressive phraseologisms as normative forms, reflecting the essence of style, are practically absent in the scientific style. They can be used as accompanying elements in the polemical, nonfiction, parts of popularizing scientific work.

Scientific speech is characterized by the use of verbal forms with weakened lexical and grammatical meanings of time, person, number, which is confirmed by synonymy sentence structures: distillation produce - distillation is performed; You can draw the conclusion - is concluded etc.

The syntax of scientific style of speech is characterized by a tendency to complex constructions that facilitates the transfer of a complex system of scientific concepts, establish relationships between genera and species concepts of cause and effect, evidence and conclusions. For this purpose, proposals with similar members and generalizing words with them are used. Communication means of parts of the text are the opening words and combinations, indicating the sequence of presentation. Proposals in scientific style uniform in purpose statements - they are nearly always narrative. Interrogative sentences are rare and used to attract the reader's attention to the issue. [5, p. 21]


1. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика английского языка,2005.- 300 с.

2. Скребнев, Ю.М., Кузнец М.Д. Стилистика английского языка, М.: Высшая школа, 2000.- 260 с.

3. Виртуальная библиотека /Know.su/Russian/

4. Разинкина Н.М. Функциональная стилистика английского языка, М: Высшая школа, 2009.- 182 с.

5. Разинкина Н.М. Развитие языка английской научной литературы. Лингвостилистические исследования, 2009.- 210 с.

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