РЕЛИГИЯ В ИТАЛИИ - Студенческий научный форум

IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


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Although officially in Italy (Italia) separation of church and state, this country is at the heart of the Catholic world: here is the Vatican City (Stato della Città del Vaticano), where the residence of the Pope, as well as St. Peter's Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro ) - one of the most famous pilgrim centers of the Christians. Attracted believers from around the world and other Italian churches, which are stored relics such as the power of Mark the Evangelist, St. Nicholas and other saints, as well as the mysterious Shroud of Turin.

Religion plays an important role in the life of the Italian population: according to opinion polls, the overwhelming majority of residents - nearly 88% - are Roman Catholic, and over a third - more than 36% - regularly attend church services and perform all the prescribed rites. As in the survey rounds in Spain, traveling in Italy, you can see the effect of monasteries, temples are crowded, and the procession of the faithful.

Second largest number of parishioners - about 1.3 million - occupy different parishes of the Orthodox Church (Romanian, Ukrainian, Greek, Russian), which is mainly due to the large number of immigrants from these countries. About 750 thousand Italians belong to different currents of Protestantism. Most of them - 550,000 - are members of the Evangelical Pentecostal Church. In addition, there are Seventh-day Adventists (25 thousand), Baptists (20 thousand), Lutherans (7000) among the people of this country, as well as other supporters of reformism.

Italy has live and believers of non-Christian faiths. Ever since the days of ancient Rome has preserved the Jewish community, which now numbers about 30 thousand people? The ancient roots and has a Muslim Diasporas that occurred in the period of Islamic domination in Sicily (827-1091 gg.). Currently, the number of persons professing the religion significantly increased due to refugees and about 1.2 million people. In addition, according to statistics, in Italy, home to 160 thousand Buddhists, 115 thousand 70 thousand Hindus and Sikhs.

The Italians are very religious people. Italy - Catholic country. According to statistics, 99% of Italians are Roman Catholic believers. In addition, the official census refers to all Catholics to be baptized in a Catholic church. Change the belief, or simply leave the Church in Italy is almost impossible. Moreover, every believer is obliged to pay the Pope called "8% tax", which, if desired, may be sent to the treasury. Generally these religious principles are largely conditioned by the close relationship with the Vatican - a city-state on the territory of the modern Italian capital - Rome, as well as numerous agreements between Church and State. The new Concordat eligible in terms of the civil law recognized marriages in the Church. And they themselves are allowed to enter into marriages with men 16 and women at 14 years, respectively. As for divorce, the situation is at least interesting. Until recently, he was actually in Italy is prohibited. These articles were finally abolished only after the popular vote in the mid-70s.

The main religion in Italy - Catholicism. And it is not surprising for a country, the capital of which is the residence of the Pope. Adepts of the Roman Catholic Church are more than 90% of the population of Mediterranean states. The country has more than 25 thousand parishes for those people who settled in the heart of the main religion in Italy. It is noteworthy that the dominant position of Catholicism is determined according to the Italian Constitution of 1984. Document "The New Concordat" states that in the state there is a clear division between Catholic and non-Catholic religion in Italy. Among the latter, the following religion in Italy: Orthodox, Baptist, and Lutheran. In addition, live in the country Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, the Waldenses, and the Jehovah's Witnesses. It is the second largest faith in Italy. And more than half of the members of Jehovah's Witnesses are publishers. This is the most active members of the religious community involved in the preaching work. One should not forget about the Italian Buddhist Union, the churches of the Bible Students. Modern Roman Catholic Church has a residence in Rome. Maybe it is because of this arrangement Catholicism today - the dominant faith in Italy. At the heart of Jesus Christ, lives about 96 per cent of the population. They have the opportunity to see the Pope in the immediate neighborhood, but not on television. The Constitution proclaims the freedom of religion in Italy. Church is separated from the state. However, according to the New Concordat "1984 welcomes the active cooperation of both sides - the Church and the State. About thirty percent of Catholics go to the temple constantly, but many people who come to church only on major holidays - Easter and Christmas. The main church of the Catholic faith in Italy is St. Peter's Basilica. It is the largest building in the Vatican; its total height is 136 meters. Admire the imposing cathedral in a hurry, not only the adherents of the Catholic faith in Italy, but also tourists from around the globe.

For centuries, religion has been an integral part of Italian society. Even under the dictatorship of Mussolini's fascists in 1929, Catholicism was recognized as the state religion. The state was officially separated from the Church in Italy only in 1976. But now the vast majority of the population is deeply religious, and the Pope's authority is very great. Although the Italians can hardly be called fanatics, the church enjoys the unquestioned authority, and religious leaders are actively involved in public life.

Center of Catholicism in Italy, of course, is the Vatican. It is an autonomous republic of the Pope, which is in the center of Rome. Currently, the post of head of the Roman Catholic Church takes Pope Benedict XVI. Pope to actively participate both in the internal political processes in Italy, and have a certain weight in the international arena. The relationship of the state and the Catholic Church defined the Concordat, as noted in the Italian Constitution in 1984. It is also alleged that the citizens enjoy equal rights regardless of their religion, and without exception, the representatives of various religions have the right to organize.

The main Catholic holidays in Italy are Christmas and Easter. A huge number of people going to churches across the country to pray and celebrate the most important holiday in the life of all Catholics. Then the celebration held in the family as well as friends, acquaintances and relatives. Also important are the Epiphany, the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, Assumption, All Saints' Day.

In Italy there are more than 45,000 Catholic churches. The peculiarity of religion in Italy is the fact that almost all of them are open to the public. However, for women, for example, it is worth remembering that you need to grab a handkerchief at least, if it is hot, to cover shoulders, otherwise will not be allowed into the temple. It is also useful to know that you should stock up on coins of 50 cents for a better view of the interiors, to include automatic lighting. Entrance is free for both Catholics and representatives of other religions; no one will ask you, in what you believe in God, Jesus, Allah or Buddha. All churches are open from early morning until the evening, closing for a few hours in the afternoon.

Most believers in Italy - Catholics and their more than 95 percent. In Italy are also widespread Jewish communities in the north there are representatives of the Orthodox, and in the south and other parts of the country is gaining momentum Muslim society.

Also, despite the fact that paganism was virtually eradicated in Italy, still traced the trail of the former Roman religion and Catholicism. For example, you can easily find a magician, healer and even a witch.

In Italy, at the present time, the Church officially separated from the state, and regulates their relationship with the state through special agreements and laws, in particular the "New Concordat" in 1984. However, in the Italian Constitution the main religion of the country is defined: "The State and the Catholic Church are independent and sovereign, each within its sphere" (Article 7). That is, the Italian Constitution divides all religions into two categories: "Catholic" (Article 7), with which the government concludes the Concordat, and non-Catholic religion (Article 8). Motivation for enhanced cooperation with the Catholic Church states in Article 9 of the Concordat is worded as follows: "The Italian Republic, recognizing the value of religious culture and the fact that the principles of Catholicism are the historical heritage of the Italian people ...". Given that the Italian Constitution provides: that citizens are equal without distinction of religion (Article 3), that all religious confessions are equally free before the law (Part 1 of Article 8), it contains separate provisions on the Catholic Church and other churches: about that the State and the Catholic church are independent and sovereign, each within its own sphere, and their relationship is "governed by the Lateran treaties" (article 7) that the non-Catholic religion have the right to organize themselves in accordance with their statutes, as they do not conflict with the Italian legal order and their relations with the state are determined by law on the basis of agreements with bodies representing the religion (part 2.3 of article 8 of the Italian Constitution).

The overwhelming majority of Italians periodically Church walks and festivals such as Christmas and Easter Catholic churches across the country are always full of people.


1. http://www.dsbw.ru/info/tourist/15

2. http://travelnetplanet.com/

3. http://www.privet-italia.ru/168/Info-o-Italii/religia-italy.html

4. http://www.italyproject.ru/

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