СТИЛЬ ДЖЕКА ЛОНДОНА В ЛИТЕРАТУРЕ - Студенческий научный форум

IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Никифорова А.А. 1
1Владимирский университет имени А. Г. и Н. Г. Столетовых
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First, the periods of London is the 1890-ies, a time when London goes on the road to great art as the author of stories about Alaska. In these stories London clearly has been craving for the heroic theme, characteristic of the writer. But at that stage, the feat seemed London, above all, an expression of enduring physical and spiritual power, naturally inherent in powerful personality, asserting himself in a bitter struggle with the forces of nature and with people. However, the pathos of the wonderful Northern stories of London, striking for its majestic scenery, one piece characters, poignant situations, do not fight for gold, and in the struggle for the human soul; the man whose conscience does not freeze even when the thermometer fifty degrees below zero is the real hero of the early stories of London. Their enduring success to the reader is primarily due to the adventurous sharpness and not so much the pathos of adventure, how ethical their content, the victory of the noble and high feelings, which so often succeed the young of London. The highest laws of friendship, pure love, selflessness ascended a writer on coarse, drunken, criminal confusion of enrichment, about which he often writes with disgust.

Epic features clearly show through in the style of Northern stories of London. Their epic cyclicity is determined by the fact that they are fragments of a larger whole, the episodes londonskoy epic. Their characters are United by the fact that they are all - people and animals - participated in the dramatic struggle for existence played out on the background of the extraordinarily expressive, but too repetitive epic Northern landscapes. Concise and cheap means of representation of the characters, descriptions of clothing and special North equipment, gestures and facial expressions tired and busy toil of the people, weary of ill-nature. Epic and verbal art short stories; it's often short, snappy phrase, saturated with images of action and psychological content, which is given in the acts of the actors, not the analysis of their mental state. The conclusion provides to make to the reader; art young London is such that the reader has a lot to think through and to finish, go to the end of the road, planned for him by the author. For all that, what a wealth of characters and living persons, destinies, and situations that arise in the specific situation of the mad fight for gold.

Stories London forced forward to follow the development of the action. But the reader's attention is chained not unexpected plot twists, and the drama of the situation. The characters act in difficult circumstances, and above them hangs in mortal danger, threatened their lives - this is a peculiarity of the creative manner of London. The plot of the best stories compressed, the ending is cut off, like a taut string, leaving the heart beating the echo has just flashed before our eyes. This is not an American Kipling, as it was called by some reviewers, and original talent who found his way.

"Love of life" (1905) - one of the most famous Northern short stories by Jack London. It is included in many collections of writer's works published at home and abroad. The popularity of the story deserved. The secret of its emotional impact, for which there is a high writing skill, unique artistic talent of Jack London. Starts the narrative as so often happens in the works of London, with visual images. Without any prologue and exposition the author introduces the reader to the centre of events.

From the first row, and later London based on the images associated with the most developed human sense - vision. It helps him to make the picture clearer, to reinforce the illusion of authenticity... of Course, if the writer is limited to only this, our perception would have lost many bright colors, of which is imagery of the artwork. We "feel" cold, "hear" the sluggish voice of one of the satellites. But mostly the story is in a visual form - through the eyes of the author, through the eyes of a participant of the events.

Along the way London describes what the traveler thinks: he's trying to remember the terrain is, how to find a cache of ammo, considering where to go next, he hopes that the friend doesn't leave him. The consciousness allows the author to make excursions back in time to the past and the future, but as soon as he turns to the present, he once again gives a visual picture one after the other, figurative paintings of the suffering of the hero's cause and intensify our compassion

Readers read only a few initial pages of the story, and already included vision, hearing, taste, feeling cold, fear, the author elicited a response of compassion in their hearts.

A favorite technique of Jack London - to influence the reader's imagination, showing the relation of the acting person to the environment, describing his feelings and sensations. In the beginning of his writing career, but once created such brilliant stories as "the White silence", "Northern Odyssey", "the Courage of women" and "the Law of life", London, in letters to a young writer Cloudesley Jones explained his ideas about a truly artistic composition. Earnestly and insistently he repeats: "do Not get carried away with retelling... Let your characters inform his deeds, actions, conversations, etc ...Write harder... not narrate, draw, certifite, build!..", "...Come to the reader through the tragedy and its main character". All these are the essential principles of the creative method of the writer.

As an example, the development of the plot through the soul of the protagonist of London cited his story "Law of life". It is talking about a decrepit old Indian, whose tribe, leaving her to die in the snowy wilderness. "Everything you learn, writes London - even evaluation and generalization, all this is done only through this old Indian by describing his experiences".

London forces us to take the place of the suffering hero, to feel his agony. This effect the author achieves by using techniques, which were discussed above, but also with those minute details that are like the grains of sand and fall on the scales of the fate of the hero, describing the extinction of its vitality, the fire of his self-preservation instinct. This is not an artificial exaggeration of certain human characteristics, and an art opening in London. It was the result of penetration into the essence of man, came from the excess of its own vitality and was the result of life experience a bold, energetic men, who until the end of his days he loved to compete with danger.

Jack London to acute situations, paired for a hero with heavy fighting, and the realistic interpretation allowed him to act as an innovator. No writer in America to London showed such artistic power, the inexhaustible physical strength, his tenacity in the fight. Bitter got it right, saying that "Jack London is a writer who was well seen, deeply felt creative will power and was able to portray strong-willed people".

The leitmotif of the whole of the Northern loop - the theme of the partnership. Friendly support is, in the opinion of the writer, a decisive condition for victory over nature. The moral of the North was based on trust and mutual honesty. Harsh conditions removed with the husk of insincerity and ostentatious courage, reveal his true value. London stands against selfishness and individualism, friendship and mutual support, for a strong spirit. Coward, worthless person, in the opinion of the author rather die than brave, killed lost his composure prospectors in the Novella "In a distant land" and bill threw a friend, in the story "Love of life".

London wasn't one of those writers-romantics who paint pink paint the difficulties of the struggle and thereby deceive, disarm the reader before the face of serious challenges. "Love of life", "to build a fire", "the Courage of women," "the Law of life" and dozens of other stories, the novels and stories of the outstanding American writer - that is the immortal evidence of a special, unique talent of Jack London and his courageous realism.

His books he again and again argued that in grave circumstances the person is not helpless to resolve his spiritual qualities, his moral position. His will or lack of will. Humanity or self-interest. The sense of moral duty or a desire to get rich at any cost.

The characters of the best stories London has turned out in unusually dramatic, extremely tense situations, when backtracking all superficial and untrue in man and with ruthless clarity reveals its essence. The psychological picture of the stories of the North does not recognize the fluctuation of the strokes, whimsical game hints, ambiguities of the author's relationship to the characters, and there is no Association with impressionist painting, and poster graphics.

The first readers of London was struck by the freshness of the material, the fascination of the plot, the singularity of the characters; it was impossible not to appreciate the strict internal organization of each novel, she harbors energy dramatic rise, it firm verbal fabric.

London drew the characters in a holistic, large and expressive, but this integrity was not - at least, in his best novels - the result of simplification, coarsening of the inner world of the characters.

"The people of the North before and know the futility of words and the inestimable benefit of the action." The thought expressed in "the White Silence" aphoristically expresses the entire creative program londonskogo cycle. For countless andonovski "chechaco" green newbies not familiar with what awaits them here, - the North becomes the most severe life test of the possibilities inherent in man.

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