IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Толеген А.Б. 1
1Университет КАЗГЮУ
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In a brief psychological dictionary, edited by A.V.Petrovski and M.G.Yaroshevski, the word «love» is explained on this way: «Love – a high degree of emotionally positive attitude, makes it distinguish among the stand out of the other objects and places it in the center of vital needs and interests of the subject (to love country, mother, children, music, etc.)». Especially I want to highlight this part «a high degree of emotionally positive attitude», because most of youth really don’t understand what it is about. This research shows us how students of KazGUU University perceive a wonderful feeling like «love to their better (other) half». Fifty students of the second year aged from 18-22 years answered to my survey. Twenty five are women and exactly the same number of men. The test consisted of 9 questions with closed answers and 1 question was with opened answer. Half of the respondents chose «Respect» to the question «How you understand the meaning of the word «love»?». 14 participants responded like «Something unusual, mysterious» and 11 students answered like «Physical needs (hugs and kisses)». 11 interviewed students expect a friendship with his or her boy/girl friend, and the majority of answerers were divided into «Build a family» and «Just pleasure». I was surprised that most people are really afraid of loneliness, 15 of them haven’t such fear, and 5 persons do not know about it. And also students absolutely agree that money can do everything, becauseaccording to my interview, 27 of answerers responded that if a person who they like suddenly lose all financial and material goods, their feelings for him or her vanished for a while. 14 students chose the opposite variant, and 9 of students had not been able to determine.

As you can see, most students who have been responded my survey are of the same level or looking for a person with the same level of education for the future. Beauty plays an important role in the choice of person with whom he or she wants to form a family. So in my survey 48 agree with my beliefs, but only 2 students disagree.

Finally, according to my survey most of the students honestly admitted that their choice to some extent depends on the financial condition of the person with whom they would like to build a relationship.

In conclusion, I would like to say that young people of the 21st century still don’t fully perceive this feeling. Love among young people is seen as an ordinary thing and low appreciated. The main purpose of human existence on earth is the continuation of mankind. Everyone needs to find someone whom they will be in love. And only after that happy children will be born in a happy family. It is very important for our future. Don’t forget the fact that the way to everything in the world is through the love.

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