IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Васильева Н.В. 1
1Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, Высшая школа социально-гуманитарных наук и международной коммуникации, Кафедра перевода и прикладной лингвистики, Архангельск, Россия
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The way in which people cope with stress (overcome, avoid or suffer in a difficult situation), in general, is even more important for life, health, etc., than the nature of the stressor, the frequency of its impact and so on.

The scientific works of R. Lazarus, J. Folkmann, M. Aldwin, N. Endler, J. Parker, M.F. Scheier etc. were devoted to the study of the coping behavior problem. In Russian psychology, the problem of coping behavior is poorly represented, there is practically no experimental basis in socio-psychological researches. The specialists who made the greatest contribution to the development of this problem were L.A. Kitaev-Smyk, K.A. Abulkhanova, V.A. Bodrov, T.L. Kryukova and several other researchers.

The study of the families functioning is focused on how they can succeed in solving emergent problems. In this regard, it is important both to study non-adaptive coping strategies served as a predictor of the emotional difficulties emergence, adaptation disorders, various deviant forms of behavior, and the identification of constructive coping strategies which help to eliminate depressive symptoms, preserve mental health and allowing the personality to successfully cope with stress and its consequences [3].

Within our research work, families are considered as a resource of coping behavior among shift-workers. The shift workers’ life and the life of specialists who work with standard of behavior are radically different from each other. Forced social and psychophysiological discomfort, intensive work during the shift team, disordered biorhythmological stereotype of life activity, modified habitual social way of life, group isolation, social desynchronosis, decrease in number and variation of places to rest – all this has a significant impact on the shift-workers. Such an organization of labor has a significant influence on the relationships in the family, determining their specificity [1,4,5]. Depending on whether the family has the necessary resources to overcome this or that difficulty or not, it can either help the shift-worker to cope with stress or, conversely, deform him, causing dysfunctionality and disadaptation [2].

Further study of the family as a resource of coping behavior in the shift-workers’ families is relevant nowadays to introduce psychological assistance programs in overcoming difficulties not only by own shift-workers forces but with the help of close people, by increasing stress resistance, resilience and developing constructive coping strategies. The study of the family stress and coping with difficulties in family and family behavior is one of the promising directions in understanding and achieving the positive changes in the current family situation in our society [2].

According to this, the aim of our research work is to study the family as a resource of coping behavior among shift-workers. The object of the study: the coping behavior specificity of the shift-work method. The subject of the study: the family as a resource of coping behavior among shift-workers.

As our studiy has shown, two types of coping strategies are distinguished: productive and unproductive. The first type of coping usually has positive results for family life: overcoming the stressful situation, solving the problem, reducing the level of frustration, tension, disharmony, anxiety, discomfort, emotional uplift, enthusiasm and joy of overcoming. This kind of coping strategies correspond to an emotionally oriented style of behavior and avoidance-oriented style of behavior. In the second type of coping negative emotional reactions to the stressor dominate. There is a kind of "stucking" on the difficulties, people are completely plunge into the situation, are nervous, start to blame each other, one member of the family involve others in his unproductive state. This kind of coping strategies corresponds to behavior aimed at solving problems (problem-oriented copying) [2].

Thus, it can be assumed that the resources for coping with the difficulties in the shift-workers families are more focused on avoiding and reducing the physical or psychological impact of stress than on solving problems.

List of references

1. Гаранина О.А. Особенности организации времени жизни специалистов, работающих в режиме сменного графика. Дисс. .. канд. психол. наук. – Магадан, 2006. – 128 с.

2. Крюкова Т.Л. Психология совладающего поведения: монография. – Кострома: КГУ им. Н.А. Некрасова – Студия оперативной полиграфии, Авантитул, 2004. – 376 с.

3. Психология совладающего поведения // Материалы Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. / Отв. ред. Е.А. Сергеенко, Т.Л. Крюкова. – Кострома: КГУ им. Н.А.Некрасова, 2007. – 426 с.

4. Ритмы тела: Здоровье человека и его биологические часы / Линн Лэмберг. - Москва: ВЕЧЕ, 1998. - 416 с.

5. Симонова Н.Н. Психология вахтового труда на Севере: монография. – Архангельск: Поморский университет, 2010. – 359 с.


Просмотров работы: 178