VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


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The theme of the research work is “Semantics of idioms with “color” component in Kazakh and English”.

Scientific supervisor: Tulegenova A.M., a lecturer, MA, L.N. Gumilyov ENU

The aim of the work is identifying semantic specific features of the idioms with “color” component in Kazakh and English.

Objectives are set according to the aim of the research: - to define “color” concept;

- to describe the concept in accordance with Kazakh and English cultures;

- to analyze the meaning of colors in English and Kazakh cultures, to show their role in different cultures.

The object of the research is idioms; the subject is semantics of color in English and Kazakh cultures.

The methods of research: we have applied such methods as descriptive analysis, comparative analysis, pragmatic and semantic analysis.

The question of idioms with color’ component was considered in the works of such scientists as Maslova V.A., Kurmanalieva Z.A., Skorospelkina G.S. and others that makes the theoretical significance of the work.

Practical significance of the work: consideration of the peculiarities of “color” concept of such cultures as English and Kazakh. All the materials can be applied in comparative linguistics; also for lectures and seminars in semantics and pragmatics disciplines.


Colors meant much for different cultures during many years. Symbols and metaphors help to understand our everyday language and figures of speech. Almost every subject, every word, every thought have some symbolism. Every color has its hidden meaning and symbolism.

Wide usage of color names in formation of phraseologisms is connected with reconsidering of color concept and its symbolism. Becoming estranged from real connection with the subject, the meaning of the words determining color becomes conditional and abstract, thus meaning various notions. Comparative study of set expressions with color component shows that not only linguistic factors define the role of color. The meaning of color names depend on some extralinguistic factors: cultural traditions and customs, peculiar features of national psychology and conscience, and also different events, facts of objective reality. That is why it is not possible to consider color as a sign in phraseologisms separately. Connection with reality in phraseologisms containing color name can be discursive and complicated for understanding.

Prevalence of the same color names in lexical and phraseological units in different languages means that they are necessary for communication: “If we want to understand each other, we can use the names of main colors for this purpose, for example, black, white, red, yellow, green, dark blue as basic words to name our feelings”.

The antiquity of the origin of adjectives and color names is also an argument of their frequent use in lexis and phraseology.

Every culture (English and Kazakh) has its own system of colors and symbols. For example, analyzing “colored” idioms (including names of definite colors: blue, red, green and etc.,) in English and Kazakh we can see that connotative areas of color names do not always correspond to each other – they diverge in different cultures. Thus, connotative area of green in English has positive as well as negative concepts, which are rather easy to see in the idioms containing the name of green color, for example, “green with envy”, “look through green glasses” – to be jealous, “Do you see any green in my eye” – that means “Do you think I’m naïve?”. For example, “to give the green light”, “to get the green light” that means: to agree – have positive connotation.

Warm shades have the meaning of energies and excitation, such colors as red and its shades. Cold shades are considered to be passive and soothing, such colors as blue, purple and green. Thus, bright shades are active, and dark ones are passive. Red shades increase tension, stimulate vegetative nervous system, but green and blue colors relieve stress and have less physiological effect.

II. Idioms formation and color system

2.1. Different approaches to idioms

An idiom is a phrase or expression, general idea of which is different from the words that compose it.

The most widespread type of idioms in the English language is phrasal verb, a verb and adverb combination.

There are also partial idioms, where one of the words has its own usual meaning while the other one has a figurative meaning. Among such we can point out the idioms, which have the color white, for example, people say “white coffee” (meaning coffee with milk), though it actually looks brown, or “white wine”, though it is of yellow color. [1]

In some cases idioms are rather informal and contain the element of a commentary of a man caught in some situation. We should not forget that idioms are to be used appropriately and are not to be overused in a formal speech.

2.2. Color semantics

Semantics studies meaning of linguistic signs. The aim of semantics is comparison of word meanings and what they mean with the process of acquiring of that meaning. Studies of universal signs started with the works of N. Chomsky, D.G. Lakeoff, Yu.D. Apresyan, N.N. Karaulov. There are not so many works on color symbolism in the native linguistics. A.N. Konov was the first scientist who addressed semantics of color meanings in the Turkic languages. One of his works is “About semantics of the words ақwhite and қараblack in Turkic geographical terminology”. Color symbols are very productive and can be used for defining the qualities of time periods, gender, intellect and many other realities.

2.3. Color role in symbolism of different cultures

From the perspective of culture a symbol can be referred to stereotype phenomena, which are characteristic to any culture.

A.F. Losev wrote that a symbol can be considered as a specific factor of social and cultural encoding of information and simultaneously as a mechanism of information transfer.

Each person can speak the language of symbols and so as to understand such language, as noted by E. Fromm, there is no need to learn it, because a symbol is an archetype of nature and exists within us at an unconscious level.

Color symbolism in the arts as a specific form of cognition acquires different features. As Prishvina states, blue color is “an image of Philosophy of condensed power that absorbed all the ideas of folk poetry and cultural and historical traditions (in particular, aesthetics of Block’s language, of Esenin, of Gorky): blue is not just clear, beautiful dream of future, blue is a heavenly love, in comparison to real love – “fire”, and “ability to get over one’s own weakness” and “life root”, “creating new and better life on the Earth”.

Thus, semantic structure of color terms consists of variable part and dominating, archetypal semantics.

Color is something that’s around us, but no one ever thinks that color has a great influence on how people perceive the world. However, it is clear that some colors mean different things, depending on your location and culture. For example, in the west, death is usually associated with black color, while white is associated with death in the east. White also means something absolutely different in the west and it is the symbol of clarity, which is traditionally the color of wedding dress. In western culture colors acquire many different symbolic meanings. The following is just some examples from United States.

Grey – elegance, wisdom, boredom and sadness;

White – clarity, rest, innocence and simplicity;

Black – evil, delicacy, secret and death;

Red – passion, love, danger and anger;

Blue – loyalty, depression, manhood and calmness;

Green – nature, success, money and envy;

Yellow – joy, optimism, cowardice and danger;

Brown – peace, traditions, stupidity and simplicity.

Every culture (English and Kazakh) has its own system of color symbols. In any idiom we can find color names. In different languages they have different meanings. For example, in Kazakh the connotative area of green is more positive than in English.

Concerning the connotative area of red in Kazakh and English, we see that they are alike; it can be grounded by traditional-historical and semantic factors. Historically in English “red” had a homonym that means “beautiful”, “nice”. And Englishmen still use the idioms associated with notion “red”. Considering Kazakh culture we will also notice this phenomenon. For example, “қызыл марал (red doe)” – the Kazakh call a beautiful girl like that.

People feel and react to colors depending on the meaning this or that color can have in their culture.

2.3.1 The history of color theory

The first theory about color was offered by Greek philosopher Aristotle, who stated that the two primary colors were white and black – color and its absence – and that all the rest colors derived from one of the four elements: air, water, Earth and fire.

Then comes up the color idea by Leon Battista Alberti, who wasthe greatest theorist of Italian arts in Renaissance – (1404-72). Alberti states that the shades appear through seven colors, but there are only four true colors: red color of fire, blue color of air, green color of water and grey color of Earth. Not going into details, Alberti supports and expands Aristotle’s general approach.

Sir Isaak Newton worked up the theory of color scale. Newton proved through the experiments that the prism divided the white color into color scale (which he called “Spectrum”), and also that recombination of the spectral shades produced original white color again. Newton identified 7 different color segments, which he called orange, yellow, green, blue, dark blue and purple. All the rest colors in the spectrum were made of these 7 colors.

Goethe devoted the work to the color phenomenon, where he wrote: “Among primary natural phenomena color is on top”. The ability of some colors to be a symbol is connected with the peculiarities of influence of color on consciousness and feelings of a person. Speaking symbolically about color, we should mention the opinion, according to which “colors play an informative role in the environment and, therefore, they are general symbols for denoting different notions and phenomena”. Color symbols have the ability to change from language to language, from one linguistic society to the other. Colors affect person’s psychic and that’s why in the language and culture of many nations some definite colors have symbolic meaning. Among the main sources of appearance of color symbolism the researchers point out the following ones: specific conditions of life and environment, customs and traditions of a nation, religious attitudes of this specific society, language and political opinions.

Color conception of the world found its reflection in lexical and phraseological linguistic systems. Emergence of phraseological units is directly connected with the formation of metaphoric notions around color names. As Akbasharina states, colors play great role in formation of linguistic map of the world, as rather definite associations, connected with the symbols of linguistic-cultural community, with these or those color preferences. Color adjectives, which take part in formation of a big number of phraseologisms, are descriptive adjectives, perceived by senses – “empyrean”. Central meanings of adjectives function as “a unique neutral tool for expressing a notion”. In this case – color. Semantic structure of names of colors works as a set of meanings of heterogeneous by degree of abstractness and degree of semantic significance, character of relationship and dependence of which are set between main (color) and figurative meaning.

All colors are divided into achromatic and chromatic. Colors, which in reality don’t have color signs, that is, if they have no tinge, are called achromatic. A color that has at least a little reddish, greenish, bluish or any other shade is afore chromatic. They are red, green, dark blue and yellow colors.

III. General and specific peculiarities in the semantics of phraseological units with “color” component in English and Kazakh

3.1 Semantics of bright colors: white, yellow, dark blue, red, green

A color can provide a lot of information about individuality and classification of different colors can be useful at documenting pathological changes or identifying how a person can respond to different colors.

For many years colors meant different things with different cultures. The Celtic ascribed different colors to different elements of culture as well as native Americans and other tribes. Christianity even prohibited green color as it was considered to be pagan. Colors are rich in meanings and symbolism. Moreover, colors have very interesting history. Some colors, such as feeling cold at sight of blue, red or green with envy, point to correlation of colors with definite human emotions. Others, such as blue blood, white cockade and red carpet runner appeared in middle ages. Thirdly, including yellow press, red guards, Purple Heart, black market have appeared lately. The basis for color symbolism was a long history, religion, traditions and superstition. Practically every nation and culture used colors symbolically, ascribing different qualities and even definite objects to definite colors. The reason is probably in primitive perception of color. Responding to color, admitting it does not require much intellectual effort and fancy. Warm shades are active and thrilling. Cold shades are passive and comforting.


White is a sign of purity and innocence. As black, white is well combined practically with any color. Too much of bright white can be dazzling. [2] In many western countries white is the color for brides. In the east, it is the color of mourning and funerals. White is often associated with hospitals, particularly with doctors, nurses and dentists. In some cultures white is referred as royal. Angels, as a rule, are pictured in white clothes.

Semantics of white color in the Kazakh language:

In the Kazakh language the notion “Ақ – White” introduces the conceptual antinomy of white color widely, embodying antinomies of “existence – non-existence”, appearing (being born) and disappearing (death). Factual material showed that “Ақ – White” in Kazakh consciousness is connected with the idea of beginning / spring. We think that perception of beginning as being in the beginning of the way is connected with mythological fancies about life origin. As we see, the symbol of beginning of many nations in the world is the notion of a creature that gave rise to all living things on the Earth. “Ақ – White” is a symbol of the highest world that was created by the creator, “father” and “ancestor”. Appearance, birth of Kazakhs (general Turkic people) starts in March, which they called “ақ наурыз – white nauryz” – the month, when nature wakes up, animals produce offspring, therefore, there is much milk and dairy products that are also known as “ақ – white”.

Everything connected with birth, baby birth and so on is white: ақбесік – white cradle, ақбөпе – white infant, ақбосаға – white threshold, ақотау – white jurt, Aқорда – White horde, ақнеке – white marriage. Also death without violation called ақөлім – white death – is also colored white: Aқөлімғанатұралдында – There is just white death in front of you / Magauin / Aқөлімгеалаңсызбетбұрған – So carelessly ran into white death / Magauin / [2]

White color is also connected a morning, beginning of the day; with black – evening, night; with red – sunset; ақалаңшақ – dawn, ақпенқызыларасында – before sunset, қызыліңір – twilight, ақертеңненқаракешкедейін – from early morning till late night.

Special attention is paid to those nature phenomena, with which life of Kazakhs is connected, also work of Kazakhs and understanding, which are often saturated by materialistic elements. The peculiarities of life style, especially philosophic attitude to nature defined formation in the language of rather big number of set figurative expressions with component of natural world, inner form of which was based on figurative meaning of color adjectives.

For example: Ақ жаңбыр – drizzle (white rain), ақ түтек – ferocious blizzard (white snowstorm), ақ боран – (white) blizzard, ақ қаншық – (white) ice storm, қара жауын – (black) drench, қара жел – (black) cold wind, көк жауын – (blue) rain, ақ қар – (white snow) severe cold, қара жер – (black ground) bare earth, сары жел – (yellow) constant wind, көк дауыл – (blue) winter wind, қызыл жел – (red) hot wind, сары дала – (yellow) wide steppe, ақ дала – (white) steppe in snow, сары аяз – (yellow) hard frost, сары боран – (yellow) keen snowstorm, көк аяз – (blue) frosty soil, қоңыр салқын – (brown) cool, қызыл шұнақ аяз – severe frost (red frost). [2]

In these expressions color shows understanding of the degree of intensity (force, power, longitude) of the natural phenomenon.

White is achromatic color, sign of snow, milk. In this meaning “white” can go with many different words that denote subjects and phenomena of the environment. White color is the brightest shade in comparison to the colors of the spectrum; it proves the highest reflective ability and is characterized by absence of color tinge. This color has a great emotional-expressive influence upon people and, as a consequence, has many combinative variants. For a more complete description of the development of white color meanings, it is better to compare it to black color.

Positive associations, raised by white color, are so strong that in some languages they can soften some negative things:

White magic – magic, charm with the help of divine power.

White lie – innocent, “sacred” lie, a lie justified from the moral point of o0zlkview.

Positive meaning of white:

Aлдыңаақкентусын – Good luck!

Ақжолтілеу – Have a good trip!

Negative meaning of white:

Aқшайтан – means a desire that is not accompanied by disappointment, anger/ demon.

Semantics of white color in English is dichotomy with innocence, on one hand and sterility on the other hand, it means everything and nothing at the same time. Expensive porcelain is white but paper plates are the same. White, speaking literally, is absence of all colors. Or, rather, this “color” is produced due to reflection practically of all types of color.

The word white derives from old English hwit. White sometimes can have negative meaning. It can symbolize paleness of death. In armory silver is also called white.

Positive meaning of white:

White as the driven snow – clear, innocent

White knight – the one who comes to save another man is considered to be good and noble

White list – the list of good and acceptable points

White sale – sale of underwear, towels, bedclothes and etc.

Pearly white – very white teeth

Negative meaning of white:

Whitewash – to hide, to conceal

Whiteout – zero visibility

White flag – give in

White lightning – moonshine

White elephant – rare, valuable, but probably undesired

White knuckle – something quick, interesting but scary

A common feature between English and Kazakh is presence of a big number of phraseological units that contain “white color” component. In our work we pointed out common meanings in the semantics of white color in the phraseological units in the English and Kazakh languages; meanings that are present only in the researched languages and also unique meanings of white color can be met only in some languages.

Let’s consider common features in the semantics of white color in comparison to phraseological units in English and Kazakh.

For example, as people perceive white it symbolizes happiness and satisfaction:

Белыйдень – a happy day (lit., “white day”)

Белаяполоса (in life) – a happy, joyful and successful period in life

Aлдыңаақкентусын” – to wish happinessсчастья пожелать

Ақжолтілеу” – (lit., “to wish white road”), so as to wish a good trip

Сізгетынышсапар, ақжол, бақыттыкелешектілеймін ...”

In English and Kazakh white means intellectual labour, in comparison to hard and “dirty” physical labour.


This color is associated with fire, violence and war. Also red is connected with love and passion. In the history red color was associated with devil and the Roman God Cupid. Red symbolizes power, therefore, red tie is in the dress-code of business people and red runway is for celebrities and VIP.

Flashing red light means warning about danger or emergency situation. Stop and station signals of red color are for catching attention of drivers and warn them about crossing danger.

In some cultures red means purity, joy and holiday. Outside the Western world, red has different associations. For example, in China red means flourishing and happiness. It can also be used for attracting luck. In other oriental countries brides wear red at weddings.

Red is connected with active manliness, color of life, energy, aggression, danger, impulse, emotions, passion, love, joy, and also physical strength and youthfulness.

In the Kazakh language we can notice realization of phraseological units with “red” color component mainly associated with youthfulness and beauty.

For example:

  • about a young man, who is healthy, handsome and is liked by others;

  • About festiveness of the moment, also as greeting, kind attitude to people.

So, meanings of phraseologisms and proverbs with this color have, mainly, a positive shade.

In English there are positive as well negative meanings of adjective “red” in phraseologisms and proverbs. Red color is in the following combination as a symbol of warning about danger:

to see the red light (letters. To see red light) – to have a premonition of coming hazard, problems and etc.

a red-light district (letters. Area of a red lantern) – a dangerous zone;

Negative meanings:

red lamp/light (slang) (letters. A red lantern/light) – a public house;

like a red rag (to a bull) (letters. A red rag) - is connected with furiousness (to be as furious as a bull) ;


• Red Tape (letters. a lot of fuss and trouble) – bureaucracy, red tape, formalism.

Red on white may symbolize shed blood and deadly paleness. In primitive rituals ochre (red mineral paint) was used for entering the “world of the dead”, for depicting people who passed away. Even in Christianity, where red color is mainly symbol of Christ’s self-sacrifice, it was an emblem of God’s warriors – Crusaders, cardinals and pilgrims.

Holidays in the calendar are also marked with red that became a basis for appearing such phrase as “Calendar’s red-letter day”.

Red color meaning in Kazakh

Red color is a symbol of fire and the sun, the word Қызыл – Red. Such phrases as “қызыліңір – early dask, қызыларай - gleam, қызылсу – water from melted snow” that are connected with natural phenomena, prove that they are connected with sun. In addition to this, meaningful origin of names in our language clarifies connection with color. In general, red color, from early times is considered to be a sacred color, which appeared because of sun and fire.

Linguistic data showed that red color is used when meaning “jewelry”, for example: Осы тарығасеміргенқырғауылдарәржерденқарқылдапқызылтағынғанқыздайбойкөрсетеді. – like a girl bedecked with jewels.

In this sentence the word қызылwas used in the meaning of accessories. It is easy to see that қызыл here means precious metal. “Қызылорамал – red shawl” for Kazakhs is a sign of an unmarried girl. A house with “қызылорамал” or “қызылкиінген – a girl in red” could be called қызылүй(a red house). In local dialects they could be as following: Қызылүй-қызыбарүй (Костанай обл.) – A red house is house with an unmarried daughter. (Kostanay region)

The proof that in our language the word “қызыл” correlates with phrase like “жас”, “жаңа туған”, it is an argument from traditions of the nation: Қызылқарынжасбала. – an infant;Қызылшақа– newborn, nestling.

Moreover, if a baby fell ill with chickenpox, there was a red flag hung above the door and red cloths hung on the walls. All this is connected with mythology, astrology, religion and other prejudices.

We see a broad use of red color in the works of poets and writers. For example, if we refer to the works of Zh. Balasagun uses many metaphorical meanings of red color.

Red color is a symbol of happiness. If a person blushes when telling about his life, it is a symbol of purity and wealth and shows person’s mood.

Red color is a symbol of beauty.

For example:

Әппақеті, жүзіқызылшырайлы, Сәмбіталдайбалденесібылайғы. – a beautiful face

Red color is a symbol of youthfulness vs old yellow. Thus, red color is used in phrases associated with the youth.

Red color is a symbol of war and death. For example:

Ат, қаруықып-қызылқанболады, Қызылжүзіжап-жасылбопоңады – In this example we see indifference, cruelty and callousness. And then, probably, semantic filiation of blood – war – death.

Red color is a symbol of acuteness. In poetry red color is officially not used, but it appears in some cases. For example: Ғұмырыңдықысқартатын – қызылтіл, Есенболғыңкелсе, тірлікқұнынбіл. – razor tongue.

In conclusion, red is symbol of youthfulness, wealth and beauty. In addition, it is symbol of destructions and cruelty.

Semantics of green color

Green is a color life. Green is a color health and healing, nature, balance and it has a good meaning, combination of green color and love gives a profound meaning. Green color says about our wish to stimulate understanding and acceptance among people and to see a potential value and virtue of each person. On the other hand, green is a mark of jealousy, greediness and inexperience. Green is a color of peace and blue is also a color of peace. Time flies faster in a green room as well as in a blue room. Green is national coloring of Ireland and to a great extent is connected with this country. Green also has close associations with Islam. Due to all colors of nature, green reminds of spring. In combination with red this color is a color Christmas. The word “green” originates from the Old English language “grune”, and “grune” was borrowed from Old Frisian language and some qualities are connected with the German language. Emerging in spring after a boring and probably colorless winter, it became a color of fertility and growth, of abundance and external life. Green color represents harmony, growth, vitality, healing and nature irradiates satiety feeling. Positive meaning of green color:

Green light – a permission to start (a task);

Green room – in theatre or television, it is a room where artists or guests can relax;

Green thumb – a good gardener;

Greenback - dollar of USA, bill of law, money;

Greener pastures – something new, better (or accepted better), for example, a new job.

Negative meaning of “green” idioms:

Green-Eyed Monstеr – jealous;

Green with envy – jealous or greedy;

Green – a newcomer, beginner;

Green around the gills – pale, painful.

Green color in the Kazakh language

Жасыл – green. The root of the word “Жасыл” in Kazakh is from the word “жас”. It can be said that the first meaning of the word жас is from “жаңашыққанкөк, өсімдік – newly sprung green”. Later, this meaning was used to denote a growing child or existence of a human. A linguist and scientist А. Жеңісқызы opens up the origin of the word жас according to the standards of those times with the word “жыл”. Based on the data, we can come to such conclusion: in semantic structure “жас” and “жыл”: “ылғал”, “жаңа туылған”, “жас шөп”, “өз жасын”.


Blue is a soothing color. It can have the meaning of power and stability or have a notion of easiness and friendship. Almost all people love blue color or its shades. Blue is a universal color. In many different cultures blue takes an important place in religious beliefs, brings piece or, as it is supposed, restrains evil spirits.

Blue means confidence, and as it is not somber or sinister blue suit means power in corporate world and blue uniform is worn by police officers. Blue is considered to be a corporate color; dark blue is associated with intellect, stability, unity and conservatism.

The meaning of blue color also has the meaning as a conventional marine symbol: blue waters (letters. Dark blue water) – dark blue sea (high seas during storms), dark blue channels (near waterways, rivers, seas). Blue is often associated with sorrow in English. Blue is also widely used for representing peace and responsibility.

It is considered to be the most powerful color after red and blue color is the key of consistency and faith, heaven color and ocean. Blue color is a soothing also means skies, good health, truth, dream, healing, hope, friendship, protection, calmness, creativity, patience, wisdom, peace, loyalty. The word “blue”, from Middle English “blew” and from Old English “blaw”, was used nearly 1300 for description of this color. In 20c approximately there appeared a symbolic depiction of the symbolic image of the male sex. In Christianity blue symbolizes the Virgin Mary and advent.

Phraseologisms “bluebird” is a symbol of happiness, but it also has the meaning of an unachievable daydream, which came from the title of a play by М. Meterlinka, where children were searching for a bluebird, “secret of things and happiness”. The ones who find the bluebird will be very clever and happy. But children never found the bluebird and there just was a beautiful fairy tale about happiness.

Positive notion of blue color:

True Blue – confident;

Out of the blue – unexpected (can be positive or negative);

Blue ribbon – freshman, grand prize;

Blueblood – a person of a noble origin, royalty;

Bluestocking – a well-educated woman scientist;

Bluebook - registry of socially meaningful people;

The Blues (capitalized) – a popular music style, sometimes can be characterizes by melancholy of melody and words;

Baby blues – blue eyes.

Negative meaning blue color:

Feeling blue – to be sad or depressed;

Blue devils – feeling depressed;

Blue Monday – sadly;

Singing the blues – mourn for something;

Blue laws – laws, initially designed to provide compliance with certain ethical standards;

Blue language – profanity;

Bluenose – Puritan;

Into the blue – coming to the unknown or run to the unknown;

Out of the blue – unexpected (can be positive or negative).

Meaning of blue color in the Kazakh language

The Kazakh language, as many Turkic languages, makes the same difference with “көк – blue”, as the word denoting heaven color, sea and green plants. In Kazakh the stereotype words “көк – blue” are an objective image of heavenly kingdom. Nowadays the Kazakhs use ribbons of blue beads from the evil eye. At the same time, blue or dark blue beads are used in jewelry (earrings) and utilitarian objects (pins) from the evil eye. The word “көк – blue” has very ancient origin and preserved its primitive totemic meanings. It is connected with heaven cult, as habitat of “Тәңiр – Tengri” (the God).

In the Kazakh language, as in many other Turkic languages, the word “heaven” denoting “көк” is the homonym of the word blue. In accordance with the cult of heaven its color is blue also deified as “Тәңiрлiк – Tengriism”. From the point of view of the problem, it is important to notice that established correlation “Тәңiр” (the God) – heaven – blue color became one of the most important parts of the Kazakh spiritual culture.

Көксоққыр! Көккелсiн! Көккерiнеұшыра! – Let the heavens punish you!Көккелсiн! Көктi тiреу;төбесi көккежету;көксоққан;Көккәрiнеұшыра! – to reach to heaven, to support heaven.

Language joins cognitive relations of a human to the external world and national culture. Among the color names “қаракөк – Oxford grey” has a big symbolic meaning. Saying heavenly blue, the notion of Turkic language nations, color is because of the phrase “көктәңіргетабынған, көкбөрініңұрпағы – those who worship heavenly Tengri, become heavenly generation”. On the question why heaven is mentioned – we can answer that “heaven” is not absolutely a Turkic word, moreover it appeared too late for the use. The word “blue” is common for Turkic language nations. According to the meaning as “blue” (heaven) and color “blue” they are studied as syncretic roots. In ancient literature in М. Kashkari’s translation “көгіңкiм” is “шыққантегінқандай” – “what’s your tribe name?”

The meaning of the word “blue” as a multilingual sign is “Aспан тәрізді түс – heaven like color”. But as a symbol the word “blue” has different semantic meanings. A. Marghulan said that “көк түс – көкке табынудың, аспанның символы – blue is the color of worshipping heavens, symbol of heavens”. In the meaning of the Kazakh language blue is the clearest, sacred color. In Kazakh myths blue color is associated with heavens and has highest description. It is proved by roes of monuments for Kultegin “Биікте Көк Тәңірі, Төменде қара жер жаралғанда, Екеуінің арасында Адам баласы жаралған”. White color is focused on Sun rotation and obviously Sun rises in the east. Here symbol of east is connected with preferences of blue as sacred and the Kazakhs consider east sacred. All this comes out of the sacred “көк” that came to our language as worshipping God. So, blue as a symbol of eternity, stability, consistency and sincerity is connected with the phrases “мәңгілік көк аспанмен”, “тәңірімен” – eternity is with heavens. These notions are described in such word combinations as “жетіқаткөк, тоғызқаткөк”.

In the mentality, traditions and beliefs of Kazakh culture the meaning of colors are rooted around “көк”. The word “көк” is connected with word combinations, adjectives and phrases with figurative meanings. In the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Kazakh Language” some complicated words are given, for example: көкасық, көкжамбас, көкжелке, көкмұз, көкайыл, көкбақа, көкми, көкбет and etc.

The meaning of yellow color

Yellow is considered to be the brightest and warmest color, as red, and has conflicting symbolisms. It is connected with happiness and the sun. On the one hand, it means happiness and joy, but on the other hand, yellow can mean danger, though not being as dangerous as red. Yellow is one of warm tinges. Due to high visibility – bright yellow – it is often used for the signs of warning danger and some of emergency service vehicles.

The meaning of yellow in English stands for fun, but also has an irritating effect if there is too much of yellow. Dark yellow can have a depressive effect, whereas bright yellow is a sign of freshness. Bright golden-yellow color is between green and orange in the visible area of spectrum and, along with red and blue, it is one of the basic colors.

Beginning approximately from 900a.d. yellow color was integrated in the English language from the two closely connected words from Latin and German languages. In the armory, yellow color means positive virtues of confidence, consistency, wisdom and glory. This unusual color represents not only playfulness but also light, creativity, warmth and mental abilities, charm, confidence, a vision of joy, enthusiasm, optimism and calm life attitude. Yellow also has many negative associations, and also, among them there is jealousy, betrayal, cowardice, old age and illness.

Positive traits of yellow:

Yellow ribbon – hope, memory support;

Yellow ribbon – easing off, relaxing;

Bad yellow Yellow or Yellow streak or Yellow-bellied – cowardice or coward;

Yellow journalism – based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.

Meaning of yellow color in the Kazakh language

In Kazakh the word yellow is often used in lexemes that denote color. But it is not a definition of color in all sentences. It is not difficult to see that the root of “Сары – yellow” – “cар” is used with location names. Ye. Koishybayev proved that the word “cар” is used with such notions as “clear, basic, primary, broad and etc.”. In Kazakh mythological fairy tales the word “cары – yellow” is associated with negative characters. In many cases it is used for names of witches and demons. For example: Мыстан, Сарықыз, Күнікей, Бекторы and etc. – the names of witches.

Analyzing the words from the dictionary, we can distinguish many other meanings of the word “cары – yellow”. First we will identify the notions of “cары – yellow”: color of notion, completeness, notion of independence, sorrow etc.

Yellow is considered to be the brightest and the most energetic color like red; it has contradictory symbolisms, it is also the color of the Sun, fire and metal. In the Kazakh language yellow means good temper, staying powers and good deals.

1. Yellow is a color of wealth. At present in our language we can meet word combinations like “Қағанағықарық, сағанағысарық” – in this phrase the word сарықdenotes gold that is wealth and prosperity.

2. The notion of the word yellow has wide scope of meanings. In our language the word “cары – yellow” is associated with combination of such words as дала – steppe, арқа – hill, жазық – plain, бел - waist, жайлауsummer pasture and etc.

3.2 Dark colors semantics: grey, brown, black

Comparing colors in English and Kazakh we have already mentioned dark colors that include: grey, brown and black.

Semantics of grey.

Grey is neutrality, balance. This cool, conservative color, which rarely causes strong emotions, can though be considered as cloudy or moody color. Grey color is the color of renunciation, humility, melancholy, indifference and in modern terminology – comparison to boring reasonableness. Probably, in spite of its subtle beauty, this color very often symbolizes stupidity, uncertainty. The following examples reflect these meanings very vividly:

somebody in grey – 1) mysterious, unidentified person;

2) symbol of fate;

grey area (letters. Grey area) – an unknown area;

a grey bone – about a person of non-aristocratic origin.

As a color of ashes it is sometimes associated with death and mourning of soul. In Christian religious communities it symbolizes repudiation. Thus, usual meanings of different colors undoubtedly influence the semantics of phraseological units. But this doesn’t happen always and not all color notions can be reflected in the phraseology of English and Kazakh.


Brown is a natural color, color of soil, earth. We can find these colors in the earth, tree, stones and etc.

Meaning of brown in the Kazakh language

Brown represents usefulness and everydayness. Even if it can be considered dull, it also represents firmness, simplicity, convenience, reliability and health.

Brown is one of the colors that are close to the soul of the nation. In the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Kazakh Language” this list of the words of direct and figurative meanings of the word “қоңыр – brown”: қоңыр, қоңырала, қоңыраю, қоңырән, қоңырбел, қоңырдауыс, қоңыржел, қоңыржүз, қоңыркөлеңке, қоңыркүз, қоңырқаз, қоңырлеп, қоңырсалқын, қоңыртарту, қоңырүн.

Brown is a color of earth, life and care. In the Kazakh language this color is very meaningful.

Brown is a color of safety, peace, life and quietness. There some figurative word combinations with the word “қоңыр – brown”: қоңыркүй, қоңырдауыс, қоңыркүз, қоңыржел, қоңырәңгіме, қоңырқабақ, қоңыртірлік, қоңырсөз, қоңырсамал, қоңырдала, қоңырсалқын, қоңыркеш, қойдайқоңыр, майдақоңыр – which denote different phenomena associated with peaceful and quiet life moments.

For example: қоңыркеш, қоңырүн, қоңырүй, қоңыркөлеңке, қоңыртөбе, қоңырқайкөз and so on.

If we compare colors in English and Kazakh cultures, we will notice that in the Kazakh language there are the words that denote shades, different color sectors that stand out in spectrum. In English every shade is verbalized, in Kazakh only some colors are verbalized, the rest are denoted as a mixture of two color sectors in spectrum. For example, көк-қызылin English it is purple, қызыл-күрең as in English it is wine-red. We can also add that dark blue in Kazakh is verbalized by one word “көк”. As a whole, a comprehensive approach in syncretic or acoustic color perception is not observed in the Kazakh language. In addition, in English blue also supposes sentimental or unhappy feelings, as in “he feels blue”, or associations like “to be of high social status” or “to be of blue blood”.


Black has the strongest effect of all neutral colors. Positively, it is usually associated with authorities, elegance and formalism. Negatively, it can be associated with evil, death and secrets. Black color is well combined practically with any color.

Meaning of black in the English language

Black can mean evil, not denoting elegance, it is very popular with artists. Literally, black color is the substance devouring the entire wide world. In Old English “blaec” is closely connected with its equivalent in Old Germanic “blach” and Norse “blakk”. In many languages and cultures black was associated with evil (while white was associated with the good). As in arts and religion, black meant despair, sin and sorrow, satanic ritual, darkness and underworld. Funeral traditions at present are wearing black for weeping over the loss of a member of family, loss of a relative or a friend. In spite of many negative associations of the color, in the armory black color is a color of sable and it is for consistency of virtues, reasonableness and wisdom. It can have positive meanings of purity, cover revolting memory and protection. In Christianity it denotes death.

Black tie – formal (as in formal attire, party);

Black belt – expert (particularly in martial arts);

In the black – money, means success in business;

Men in black – governmental agents;

Black box – equipment or devices;

Pitch Black – as night, very dark.

Negative meanings of black:

Black out – faint or act of erasing something;

Blackout – loss of electric power or blocking from lights;

Black eye – damage, such as letting down, slanders;

Black-hearted – evil;

Blackguard – scoundrel;

Black sheep – a person who is an outcast from the society or family;

Black market – illicit market;

Blackmail – demand money from (a person) in return for not revealing compromising or injurious information about that person.

Meaning of black in the Kazakh language

Black color in all cultures is often associated with satanic rituals, gloom, mourning and underworld. For example, the meaning of such an idiom as a black dog “melancholy or depression”, black bull “misfortune” says about negative features in a culture, connected with black color.

Black color in the East (as well as in Kazakh culture) is valued highly. Let’s remember the words from the Arabian fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights” where advantage is not only in blackness or dark but also in black ink with which were written the words of Allah.

Cultural layer of the concept reflects axiology that concerns a definite nation or people. In such idioms as “қаражер, қарасу” sign markers of “қара – black” are used in positive meaning (қара жер – a native land, sacred land, қара су – pure water). This component means something valuable and underlines a peculiar attitude to the land and water associating with Motherland and one’s territory, which must never be conquered and the people ought to take care and defend it, also forms, ways and special shades of meaning of the notion “қара – black” were dictated by nomadic lifestyle. Work of nomads on the land was connected with expectation for fertility, flourishing fields and cattle grazing on them. A close relation of these words is proved by the fact that in some Turkic languages the word “қара – black” means “earth”, “continent”. Positive features of connotation of color lexeme “қара – black” are noticed in modern Kazakh language.

In the ancient worldview of the Kazakhs there was a notion that the whole world consists of four angles and every angle has its own color. For example, black is a color of the north. According to the researches in the northern part of Avesta there is a mountain called “Hukarina”. The origin of the name of the mountain “Hukarina” from Iranian is “Gook Hara” – the first variant. Here the root “hara” in old Kazakh means “қара – black”. That is “Gook Hara” in the Turkic language of nowadays “Haratau” is translated as “Қаратау (Black mountain)”. In one of the Turkic languages, in the Uzbek language, the word “қара – black” is used in the meaning of “темір – iron”. As the data shows such notions were also in the folklore of the Buryat language. The word “қара – black” means dungeon, underworld.

In the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Kazakh Language” we can find the following words that concern the notion of the word “қара – black”: түстік, белгісіздік, қайғы-уайым, қатыгездік, қасиеттілік, қарапайымдылықкиелілік.

In the direct meaning of the word “қара – black” is the opposition of white color. It is its main meaning. Black colorhas not only one meaning but also other ones; it even can have absolutely different meanings. For example: the phrase қарасу in Turkic toponymic system is connected with the name of land but not water. And all the monuments of middle century the term қарабұдын was used as color, but it also meant a social status, people of a lower level.

In the theories of Sh. Ualikhanov, Y. Altynsarin and a famous ethnographer O. Zhanibekov, earlier, the Kazakhs, if their leader died, they hung a black flag on the upper part of the house and the relatives wore black clothes.

Black color (қара) has such meanings as grace and sacramentality. In these meanings the phrases from our language are shown: қарақазан – miserly family, қарашаңырақ – house of ancestors. The next symbolic notion of black color (қара) is endurance, patience.

For example; black cattle than white. We see that the word қараis used in the notion of endurance.

Қазақтыңқараөлеңі – құдіреттім, Ондабірсұмдықсырбарестілмеген (М.М.) – The poetry of Kazakhs is so powerful, It has the mystery I’ll never find out (М.М.). Here қара is far from the notion that means a color of the object. Thus, қараөлең doesn’t mean color; it has the meaning of one of the types of verses.

3.3 comparative analysis of color in English and Kazakh

Main colors in English and Kazakh are white, red, dark blue, green, yellow, grey, brown and black

Aқөлімгеалаңсызбетбұрған / Мағауин /. – So carelessly ran into white death / Magauin /

In English

In Kazakh

red about the gills



Red as turkey cock


Red blood

күшті, жігерлі

Yellow. Yellow has different notions in Kazakh as well as in other languages. But not in all phrases it is the definition of color. In the Kazakh language yellow is a color of sun, fire, metal and sadness. For example: Сарыалтын – pure gold, cарыуайым – long oppressive sadness, сарытөсек – golden bed and etc.

In English yellow is a color of lie and cowardice. Yellow is also connected with hope. Otherwise, yellow color is a color of “illness” and “sadness”.

In English

In Kazakh

yellow boy



жексұрын адам

Black. If in the Kazakh language black is a color of mourning, sadness, cruelty, poverty, than in English culture it is the symbol of sorrow, death and illegal actions. In the religious belief of the English there was the notion about spirits that wore black clothes and had swords.

If we focus on the phrase with the word “black” such as: ‘black market’, ‘black money’ we will see that they have the meaning of illegal actions.

In English

In Kazakh

Black ship

жанұяның ұятқа қалуы


қара бет


So as to identify the structure of color idioms, and to make the dictionary of such symbols in which it would be possible to find information not only about the content of a particular symbol, but also about its use and origin, scientists are exploring idioms with different points of view.

All languages are made up of symbols. In his work on interpretation Aristotle said that “colloquialisms are symbols of mental experience, but the written words are symbols of words spoken”.

We know many definitions and concepts on the word “symbol”, but in the field of culture, the word is applied to specific events. In our research, we examined all the characteristics and features of symbols.

What is the reason for appearance of symbols in a culture? Answers can be found in the meanings of old words such as “kalian”: kalina became a symbol of girls.

Every culture has its own national and cultural characteristics. If in Russian culture, we see many symbols that are associated with nature (birch, pigeon), then in the English culture we can more often meet symbols that are more associated with flowers (rose, thistle, daffodil, shamrock), with its own history. But in symbols of the Kazakh culture we meet various fields: nature (a steppe eagle), accessories and etc.

Comparative analysis of phraseological units in terms of stylistic characteristics, we found out that in addition to a neutral phraseology, which dominate in numbers, a lot of conversational ones in the main group, as well as in English and in Kazakh. The number of bookish idioms is only a small number. This is, in our opinion, because connotation is the expression that refers to a certain color.

Phraseological units are figurative, expressively painted, with the shade of a certain expression. In our case, as mentioned earlier, the component “black” in the idiom has mainly negative connotation, and many of phraseological units with “red” and “yellow” are used in everyday life, in everyday language the images of “synonyms” of neutral words and expressions. That is, it means that most of the Kazakh and English phraseological units with color components of “black”, “red”, “yellow” are used by native speakers as conversational equivalent of a concept, character, condition, etc. The use of such phraseological units makes spoken language more colorful and bright, enabling to describe some of the concepts and realities more accurately and expressively.

All of mentioned above suggests that phraseological units are an important factor contributing to the development and enrichment of both Kazakh and English, as well as the source of replenishment of the vocabulary. A comparative analysis of the particular phraseology of two different languages is of great interest from the point of view of Linguistics and, more important, from the point of view of translation studies, because it opens up new opportunities for the researcher and the nuances of the semantics and usage of these phraseological units.

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