VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Байбулатова А.А. 1
1Евразийский национальный университет
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Nowadays in teaching of foreign language are shaped tendencies, corresponding to the present degree of technical progress. Efficiency of applying informational technologies on English lessons already is not the subject of doubt. Scientists note, that as more systems of perceptions involved in the teaching, as better and stronger is assimilated material. Active introduction of informational technologies and educational process increases didactical possibilities, providing visibility, audio- and video – support, and also control, that in general facilitates increase of teaching’s degree. A computer plays a great role in modern education. Usage of computers in educational activity is one of the ways of increasing of motivation and individualization of teaching; besides a modern computer is efficient is means of optimization of brainwork’s conditions in general, in any demonstration of it. R.Williams and K.Macley note: “There is one peculiarity of a computer , which is unfold at using it as a device for teaching others, and as a helper in acquirement of knowledge – it is its inanimation. The machine may communicate with an user “friendly” and “support” him, but it never shows signs of irritation and does not let feel, that it is bored. In this meaning using of computer is, perhaps, the most useful at individualization of certain aspects of teaching. On English lessons one can solve full range of didactical tasks with the help of a computers:

-to form skills of reading ability

-to improve abilities of written speech

- to enlarge vocabulary

-to form sustained motivation for learning of a language

Forms of work with computer teaching programs on English lessons include:

-learning of lexis;

-working off pronunciation ;

-working off grammatical phenomena;

-tuition to writing;

-tuition to dialogic and monologue speech

If methodical system is built quite correctly from lingua-didactical and psycholinguistic point of view, success and assimilation of foreign language is practically provided.

The subject of study in this article is computer training programmes as means of forming of educational motivation of students and the optimization of the educational process.

Based on the foregoing, the purpose of this article - a theoretical justification for the use of computer training programs on the lessons of English and their effect on learning motivation of students and the optimization of the educational process.

To achieve this goal has been nominated a number of problems:1) Consider the essence of computer training programs;2) Consider the impact of computer training programs to motivate learning and the optimization of the educational process;3) Theoretically justify the use of computer training programs in the educational process

The material of the study are computer training programs.

The modern period of development of a civilized society is characterized by the process of informatization.

Informatization of the society - a global social process, a feature of which is that the dominant activity in the sphere of social production is the collection, storage, production, processing, storage, transmission and use of the information carried on the basis of modern microprocessor and computer technology, as well as on the basis of a variety of means of information exchange.

One of the priorities of the process of informatization of modern society is the informatisation of education - the introduction of new means of information technology in the education system, in particular, the integration of computer capabilities in the development of video-computer systems and computer training programs. These systems are a set of software and hardware and equipment, which allows to combine different types of information (text, hand-drawn graphics, slides, music, realistic images, moving images, sound, video) and implement an interactive dialogue of the user with the system. Using video-computer systems and multimedia systems ensures the implementation of intensive forms and methods of training, organization of independent educational activity, contributes to the motivation of training due to the possibility of using modern means of integrated presentation and manipulation of audio-visual information, increase of degree of emotional perception.

As shows domestic and foreign experiment, application of SNIT allows to provide:

- an individualization and differentiation of process of training due to realization of opportunities of interactive dialogue, an independent choice of the mode of educational activity and organizational forms of education;

- arms of the assimilation of a training material or the solution of problems of a certain class trained by strategy due to realization of opportunities of systems of synthetic intelligence;

- increase of motivation of training due to computer visualization of the studied objects, the phenomena, managements of the studied objects, a situation, possibilities of an independent choice of forms and methods of training, an impregnation of game situations.

Process of informatization of education and use of opportunities of SNIT connected with it in the process of training leads not only to change of organizational forms and methods of training, but also to emergence of new methods of training.

Currently, significant reforms in education affected the teaching of foreign languages. In particular, many schools have been intensively introduced into the educational process the new information technologies, such as the use of Internet resources, teaching software, etc.As is known, the suitability of technical training and control for use in the classroom in a foreign language is determined by the following criteria:- Firstly, they must enhance the productivity and efficiency of educational process,- Secondly, to ensure immediate and constant reinforcement of the correctness of educational actions of each student;- Thirdly, to raise awareness and interest to learning the language;- Fourthly, to provide rapid feedback and functional control the actions of all learners;- Fifth, have the ability to quickly enter their answers without extensive coding and encryption. Development and introduction in educational process of new information technologies are actively engaged researchers such as Polat E.S., Dmitreeva E.I., Novikov S.V., Polilova T.A .Tsvetkova L.A. etc.

The front line and roughly developing computer technology in the field of training is the technology of multimedia. The multimedia is an interaction of visual and audio effects under control of the interactive software. Numerous researches confirm success of systems of training with use of computer technologies. It is established that the attention of the trainee in operating time with the training interactive program on the basis of multimedia, as a rule, doubles therefore time necessary for studying of concrete material is reduced on average by 30%, and the acquired knowledge remains in memory much more long. Essential positive factors which speak well for training with use of technology of multimedia, the following:

- the best and deeper understanding of the studied material;

- motivation of the trainee on contact with new field of knowledge;

- saving of time because of considerable reduction of time of training;

- the gained knowledge remains in memory for longer term and subsequently is easier restored for practical application after short repetition.

In view of all advantages of the training systems with use of technology of multimedia, it is offered to develop computer programs for training in English on the basis of this technology.

So, the computer training programs in training in English, are considered by E.L. Nosenko, began to be used from 80th of the XX century. The Automated Training Systems (ATS) treat the so-called combined technical means of training. They are intended for realization by means of the computer, working in the dialogue mode, functions on presentation of educational information in a form, convenient for perception, to the individualized management of educational activity during the programmed, problem training; to control of knowledge, and also for ensuring access to computing, directory and other resources of the computer.

As shows practice, from all existing tutorials computers in the best way "fit" into structure of educational process, most fully meet didactic requirements and as much as possible approach process of training in English to real conditions. Computers can perceive new information, definitely process it and make decisions, can remember necessary data, reproduce moving images, control work of such technical means of training, as speech synthesizers, video recorders, tape recorders. Computers significantly expand possibilities of teachers of an individualization of training and activization of cognitive activity of pupils in training in English, allow to adapt process of training for specific features of pupils as much as possible. Everyone has an opportunity to work in the rhythm, i.e. choosing for itself(himself) the optimum volume and speed of digestion of material.

Use of computers on English lessons considerably increases heighten of educational process. At computer training the much bigger amount of material is assimilated, than it became for the same time in the conditions of traditional training. Besides, material when using the computer is acquired more strongly.

The computer provides also comprehensive (current, landmark, total) control of educational process. Control, as we know, is an integral part of educational process and carries out function of feedback between the pupil and the teacher. When using the computer for quality control of knowledge of pupils also big objectivity of an assessment is reached. Besides, computer control allows to save considerably school hours as simultaneous examination of all pupils is carried out, it gives the chance to the teacher to pay more attention to creative aspects of work with pupils.

One more advantage of the computer – ability to accumulate statistical information during educational process. Analyzing statistical data (quantity of mistakes, the correct/wrong answers, requests for the help, time spent for performance of separate tasks, etc.), the teacher judges degree and quality of formation of knowledge at pupils.

It should be noted that the computer removes such negative psychological factor, as "fear of answering". During traditional classroom occupations various factors (defects of a pronunciation, fear to make a mistake, inability aloud to formulate the thoughts, etc.) don't allow many pupils to show the real knowledge. Remaining "alone" with the display, the pupil, as a rule, doesn't feel constraint and tries to show a maximum of the knowledge.

Favorable opportunities create computers and for the organization of independent work. Pupils can use the computer both for studying of separate subjects, and for self-checking of the gained knowledge.

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