X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018


Абдуова А.А. 1, Байбатырова Б.У. 1, Наурызбаева М.А. 1, Иманбердиева А.М. 1
1Южно-казахстанский государственный университет
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The situation that has developed in the energy and environmental spheres, forcing the industry to focus on large-scale use of environmentally friendly, renewable energy resources, namely non-traditional, alternative energy sources, which was the main prerequisite for this project.

One of the promising options for obtaining raw materials for the production of solid biofuel is the use of specially grown plantation wood to produce heat and electricity. Plantations of wood are planted in areas that from the point of view of agriculture have lost their relevance. Cultivation of energy plantations normalizes the chemical composition of air, regulates the progress of atmospheric and soil moisture, promotes enrichment of soils and prevents erosion. Therefore, studies of the possibility of using fast-growing energy plantations of “energy” pussy-willow (willows), poplars, miscanthus, and others are particularly relevant.

Experimental studies will be conducted according to the following methods. Bulk density of the crushed material is determined by the method given in GOST 25699.14-93.

To determine the porosity of the layer we use the technique of two liquids. The method is based on the complete saturation of the pores of a sample that is well-wetting it and then determining the volume of the saturated sample. As a penetrant we use water. Impregnation of the crushed material is carried out under vacuum and heating in order to prevent accidental release of air bubbles from the pores during volumetric measurement. As volumetric liquid we use kerosene-alcohol. The measurements are carried out in volume meter operating on the principle of microburette. To do this the saturated sample is freed from the excess of the pycnometric liquid on the filter paper. The graduation of the volume is to determine its “zero” point, for which the liquid is poured into the flask to the level X2 in the capillary from the microburette filled completely up to the top label X1. Established in the microburet liquid level V1 is taken as the “zero” point. The measurement of the volume of the sample placed in the flask consists in repeating the same operation as in the calibration. The level difference V1 - V2 will correspond to the volume of the sample. The relative error in the measurement of ρкis determined by the errors in the volume measurements and reaches 5%.


1.Novaya klassifikatsiya dispersnykh materialov kak ob''ektov sushki: mater. I mіzhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. [«Sovremennye energosberegayushchie teplovye tekhnologii (sushka i teplovye protsessy)»] – Moskva, 2002. – T. 3. – S.74-78.

2.Romankov P.G., Frolov V.F. Massoobmennye protsessy khimicheskoy tekhnologii (sistemy s dispersnoy tverdoy fazoy). –L.: Khimiya, 1990. –384s.

Просмотров работы: 61