СИСТЕМА ЗЕЛЕНЫХ КРОВЕЛ - Студенческий научный форум

X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018


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In Europe, the United States, China and other countries of Southeast Asia, the green roof is one of the main solutions for improving the environmental situation in megacities. Given the high cost of land and real estate, the roof is an excellent way to turn roofs into full-fledged zones for communication, various activities and recreation. In addition, there were environmental problems that became the basis for the growth of popularity of such systems in countries with a temperate climate, such as Norway, where they are equipped in almost 90% of private cottages and apartment buildings, as well as public buildings.

Eco-roofs increase the economic effect of the using buildings by acquiring an additional exploitable area and improving the aesthetic appearance, environmental appeal and improving the rating of the property with certification to green standards.

At the same time, the standard of living of urban residents is increasing, as they are given more opportunities for recreation, walking, sports, and the installation of playgrounds. The idea of ​​creating a green roof, first of all, is aimed at optimizing the impact of urban ecology on a person and his health, which is achieved by a combination of its characteristics.

Modern construction and arrangement of green roofs is characterized by a number of objective global advantages. Among them: energy efficiency and savings in the process of operation, achieved by reducing heat loss through the external coverage of the building; improving the living and working conditions of people; increase the aesthetic level of buildings. In addition, the green roof protects the waterproofing material, which is the main one in the roofing "cake", from overheating and ultraviolet radiation, which makes it possible to increase its longevity by several times.

An important detail is that only a glued waterproofing membrane is suitable for covering an inclined roof or a roof of a complex configuration. To date, manufacturers offer a wide selection of membranes, resistant to chemicals and providing a high quality "pie" of the green roof.

As for our country, where green standards are just beginning to be used in the construction and certification of real estate, the green roof is becoming an economic tool for following the world's leading trends, increasing the attractiveness, and therefore the cost of buildings and achieving a high public appraisal at the international level.

In Russia green roofs only begin their march through the largest cities, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Tver, Voronezh, and some others. One of the bright examples is the green roof of the CrownePlaza business center in the Pulkovo airport building complex in the northern the capital. In the project carried out in 2011, a roof was constructed with extensive landscaping covering an area of ​​more than 2000 square meters.

Green roofs are also used for the construction of international facilities for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi and the 2018 World Cup. The real estate market is increasingly feeling the need to design eco-roofs in residential buildings, because the economic effect of their availability in the implementation of development projects has the prospect of exceeding the cost of improvement by more than a third.

Meanwhile, one can not ignore the factors that slow the development of this idea in our country. And they are connected not only with economic conditions, but also with established stereotypes.

One of the arguments against the advisability of green roofing is that climatic conditions in Russia do not allow them to withstand seasonal cold tests, and a large temperature drop throughout the year adversely affects the 3 waterproofing membrane, destroying it. But practice shows that with the modern development of construction and landscaping technologies, they are successfully exploited, for example, in Scandinavian countries.

Undoubtedly, in countries with a harsh winter, the arrangement and maintenance of such a roof is more expensive. The main problem is that at a negative air temperature, the ground layer and water in the drainage system freeze. To avoid this, a heated drainage system is used, which, naturally, causes a significant rise in the cost of the construction and operation of the green roof.

Among other reasons, called opponents of gardening of the roofs, we can distinguish the following: additional loads on the bearing structures of the building, engineering and technical complexity of design, high cost of green roofing, the need for regular care - both during the flowering season and in the winter. But compliance with domestic building standards will allow to execute the project correctly and in the future to avoid problems. The permissible loads in the case of extensive landscaping when the soil is saturated with water should not exceed 70 kg / sq. meter surface, and with intensive gardening no more than 300 kg / square. meter.

Unfortunately, poor quality of construction and installation works is another reason for abandoning green roofs. The installation of such a roofing system requires special knowledge and experience. Additional complexity and financial costs are the system of service, because plants need constant care. The opinions "against" are due, in some cases, to the lack of knowledge and information, to the small experience in this area of ​​domestic architects and engineers, contractors, operating organizations, and sometimes even the customers themselves.

But much more in favor of green roofs says their ability to bind dust, moisten the air, revitalize the architectural appearance of cities, protect the roof covering, improve the heat and fire resistance of the building, and create habitat for beneficial insects and birds.

Today, around the world, residential multi-family houses and cottages, offices and hotels are being planted, providing the widest opportunities for design. A huge variety of floristic, landscape, architectural projects of green roofs has been created - from small private houses to luxury hotels and business centers, where the most diverse, often exotic plants are used, and the spectacular design serves to attract

The cost of maintenance of green roof depends on the type landscaping: intensive gardening, as a rule, requires more care. This kind of landscaping is more expensive and time consuming, because it presupposes the planting of various plant species (trees, bushes, flowers), as well as a more complex design, including decorative elements, garden sculpture, fountains, garden paths. For the formation of this type of roof, strong supporting structures and a soil layer of up to 1 meter in thickness are necessary. The extensive green roof is not designed for operation, it is covered only by grass grass, and larger plants are planted in separate containers filled with soil. Access to it is only possible for maintenance personnel. Do not, meanwhile, forget that the cost of repairing the green roof and its maintenance during operation is compensated by the greater durability of the roof and waterproofing (in fact, in the case of the vegetation it is protected from atmospheric precipitation and exposure to sunlight), savings in the energy consumption of the building, and increased noise insulation.

The green roof is a unique way to give your house a unique look, express your personality and emphasize the sense of style of home owners. Green roof can be the best decoration of your property!

The greening of the roofs in Russia is still a new direction of landscape gardening. But the number of fans of this truly unique way of transforming space is growing from year to year. And we very much hope that green roofs will soon not be perceived by us as something outlandish and inaccessible.


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[3] Ishi Buffam, Mark E. Mitchell, Richard D. Durtsche. Environmental drivers of seasonal variation in green roof runoff water quality, Ecological Engineering, 2016, pp. 506-514.

[4] Patrizia Ferrantea , Maria La Gennusaa , Giorgia Peria. Comparison between conventional and vegetated roof by means of a dynamic simulation, Energy Procedia 78 ( 2015 ), pp.2917 – 2922.

[5] Umberto Berardi.The outdoor microclimate benefits and energy saving resulting from green roofs retrofits, Energy and Buildings, 2016, pp. 217–229.

[6] Korol E. A., Shushunova N. S. Technologies of eco-construction of operated roof coverings, Science Review 8 ( 2015), pp. 42 – 45.

Просмотров работы: 54