ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ ХЕЙМАНА ШТЕЙНТАЛЯ - Студенческий научный форум

X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018


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Steinthal, Heymann (1823-1899), German linguist. Born may 16, 1823 in Greble (Anhalt, Germany). Studied General linguistics, philosophy and botany in Berlin; in 1847, for a thesis on linguistics, received his doctorate at the University of tübingen; in 1849 he defended a degree thesis about the theory of language by W. von Humboldt and Hegel at Berlin University. In 1852-1856 studied the Chinese language and the African languages in Paris. Upon returning to Berlin, he obtained the place of assistant Professor, and from 1862 – extraordinary Professor; full Professor never was considered because of anti-Semitism of University leadership. For the past dozen years worked in close cooperation with the Moritz Lazarus (1824-1903); in 1860 they were co-founded "the Journal of psychology of peoples and linguistics" ("Zeutschrift für Völkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft). Steinthal died in Berlin March 14, 1899.

Steinthal, and is considered the founder, along with W. Wundt and A. A. Potebnya young, the most prominent representative of psychologism in linguistics. The psychological views of Steinthal was formed under the strong influence of the German philosopher and psychologist Johann Friedrich Herbart. At the same time in activities Steinthal had developed a tradition of philosophy of language, going back to herder and, especially, W. von Humboldt, the main work on philosophy of language, Steinthal published their detailed comments. The main subject of interest Steinthal was the language as a manifestation of the psychology of the people and "national spirit", making him the actual founder of ethnopsychology, and to a certain extent and ethnolinguistics, although in comparison with Humboldt, he increasingly was inclined to the study of individual psychology.

Scientific creativity Steinthal were essentially of the nature of synthesis and interpretation of empirical facts gathered by other scientists, which, however, helped to preserve interest in the General theory of language, largely lost under the domination of medullablastoma of empiricism. It is significant that, Steinthal had a significant influence not only on the psychologist and linguist V. Wundt and the predecessor of modern pragmalinguistics P. Wegener (1848-1916), and G. Paul, the author of the main and virtually the only theoretical works in the framework of blagovestchenskii tradition. Stanilevskiy synthesis, however, was not without controversy. Steinthal kept the Humboldt concept of the inner form of language, further developed young Potebnya and remained committed to the ideas of Humboldt on the stages in the development of languages by the end of the 19th century which has already become anachronistic. At the same time, he strongly defended the status of linguistics as the knower and not of the evaluation (in more modern terms – descriptive, not prescriptive) science, the recognition of what has become one of the most important methodological principles of linguistics of the 20th century Steintal a lot of thinking about the place of linguistics in the system of Sciences, rejecting naturalism as A. Schleicher, and logistics approaches. The basic theoretical provisions Steinthal was expounded in the books of Grammar, logic and psychology, their principles and relations (Grammatik, Logik und Psychologie, ihre Prinzipien und ihr Verhältnis zueinander, 1855) and Introduction to psychology and linguistics (Einleitung in die Psychologie und Sprachwissenschaft, 1871, 2nd ed 1881).

Steinthal was also the problem of the origin of language. The scientist developed the onomatopoeic theory in the book the Origin of language (Der Ursprung der Sprache, 1851); the classification of languages, which is the subject of the book is the Classification of languages as the development of linguistic ideas (Die Klassifikation der Sprachen, dargestellt als die Entwicklung der Sprachidee, 1850)

Scientific creativity Steinthal is a synthesis and interpretation of the empirical facts gathered by other scientists. Steinthal had an impact not only on the psychologist and linguist V. Wundt and the predecessor of modern pragmalinguistics P. Wegener, and G. but Paul, the author of the main theoretical works in line with blagovestchenskii tradition.

With M. La Caruso organized and published the journal Psychology of peoples and languages (1859-1890), which expounded the idea that the main force of history is the whole spirit (the spirit of the people). Formulated the problem and set the goal of psychological knowledge of the essence of the national spirit and laws of the spiritual activities of the people.

Believed that the spirit of the whole manifests itself in various forms of cultural products: language, customs, art, myths, religion, etc., Which shall be subject to appropriate research. These ideas received considerable acclaim and have influenced the development, qualification and interpretation of the psychology of peoples and the psychology of the masses as non-identical forms of psychological sociology.

Interested in linguistic typology: a monograph "Characteristics of major types of structure of the language" (Characteristik der Typen der hauptschlichsten Sprachbaus, 1869). The author of two volumes "History of linguistics since the Greeks and Romans with special attention to the logic" (Geschichte der Griechen und bei Sprachwissenschft Roemern, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die Logik, 1863).


Штейнталь G. Grammatik, Logik und Psychologie, Ihre Prinzipien und Beziehungen. – In Kn.: Звегинцев V. A. die Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft des XIX und XX Jahrhunderte in Essays und извлечениях, P. 1. M., 1964

Amirov T. A., Ольховиков B. A., Christmas J. V. Essays über die Geschichte der Linguistik. M., 1975

Alpatov V. M. die Geschichte der linguistischen lehren. M., 1998https://en.wikipedia.org.

Просмотров работы: 145