IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Скульбеда К.В. 1
1Алтайский филиал Российской Академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы
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Our research is devoted to Features of cross-cultural communication in negotiation process.

There are two main points of view on the role of national styles in the negotiating process. They both recognize the existence of national peculiarities.

However, according to the first of these features national characteristics reflect rather insignificant negotiating process.

The opposite view is that national or cultural specific should be given one of the key values in the process of negotiating.

In my view, today, the second position is more appropriate, because the review of the American, French, Swedish, English, German, Japanese, Chinese, and other styles of negotiation shows how significant are cultural differences between the representatives of these countries.

Consequently, it is necessary to consider both the international and national components.

Cross-cultural communication helps in understanding the behavior of people in organizations and around the world that shows how people work in organizations with employees, client and venders belonging from different cultures. To negotiate effectively you need to know some peculiarities in different countries. At the same time, ignoring cultural differences leads to misinterpretation and hence discrimination of another sort. That’s way this study is very actual.

The present research focuses on sensitivity to cross-cultural differences and the ability of negotiator to understand the cultural environments.

Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs to business communication and business ethics. National characteristics are important in the negotiation process, and the degree of importance is different in each case. People of different cultures use the same basic concepts, but put into them a different meaning. This determines the peculiarities of their behavior that often seems irrational and the opposite of what we believe is obvious.

For example, American businessmen.

They have the reputation of being the hardest business in the world. Their objective is to make as much as possible and as quickly as possible using to achieve goals such as hard work, quickness of action and the power of money.

Preparing for negotiations with Americans you should consider the following.

• Wherever possible, they resort to humor, even if their partner does not see anything funny or finds the joke inappropriate.

• They are individualists, they like to act independently, not looking back at the boss; you can do anything if it is not prohibited.

• They give the impression of naive people, speaking all in English, and immediately demonstrate trust through extraordinary friendliness. Americans did not wish to learn the host language.

• They take risks, but develop a definite (financial) plan, which will be followed.

• Most of the proposals they are considering on the principle investment/ benefit or investment/time scale.

• Time is always money.

• They don't like the pauses of silence during negotiations.

Features of the behavior of Chinese businessmen

Chinese values humility, tolerance, piety, courtesy, patience, thrift, respect for elders, respect for traditions, devotion to family, patriotism, austerity, harmony, learning, virtue.

Preparing for negotiations with Chinese businessmenyou should consider the following.

• The distance between the levels of power is large, the inequality in the relationship is necessary and desirable.

• Less powerful people should be dependent on the more powerful, the latter care about your career and well-being first.

• Obey parents, teachers and superiors. Age takes precedence in the relationship.

• The ideal boss is benevolent autocrat. Managers count on privileges for themselves and get them.

• Individualism is banned, employees are instructed how and what to do.

• Relationships between people are more important than tasks solved by them. Confrontation should be avoided, the ultimate goal of harmony and consensus.

• Focus on long-term goals.

If the negotiations are conducted on Chinese territory, Chinese can claim that according to their traditions, "says guest first." The Chinese side makes concessions usually at the end of the negotiations, after you evaluate the capabilities of the opposite side. At the talks the Chinese have dominated the spirit of collectivism, and no one says "I", but only "we".

Sum up, it may be said that cultural differences play a significant role in negotiation styles. Both spoken and nonverbal communication can affect a delicate negotiation between two or more parties. Taking the time to learn about cultural differences and business etiquette is an important part of preparing for any important business negotiation.


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Просмотров работы: 180