Обсуждение работы ВЛИЯНИЕ СТРЕССА НА СТУДЕНТОВ - Студенческий научный форум

IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Сарыева А.Д. 1
1Университет КАЗГЮУ
  • Nakyp Nurgali 28.02.17 в 23:19 #
    Well done. Good article (research ). But I have some questions and suggestions. 1)There are 3 groups of students: 1 group with neurotic disorders; Group 2 and risk of their development; 3rd group - healthy. What changes would be in your research if you used that kind of groups ? 2)Level of neurotic disorders is increasing every year. So I think that the number of respondents older than 20 years was not enough to make some conclusions. 3) Among students at risk, the majority consume alcohol
    • Сарыева Айнур Джанабайкызы 03.03.17 в 21:37 #
      Thank you for your comments, it was pleasure to answer for them! 1) I think that if we take the first group, the results point will be high level of exposure to stress. The reason is that this group is prone to uncertainty, dissatisfaction with life, or themselves, irritability and aggressiveness. 2 group Sorry, but I did not understand this question With the third group will be no changes in this research 2) From my point of view, second-year students are more suitable for this research becaus

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