IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Байхамурова М.О. 1, Есенбаева Ж.Ж. 1
1Международный казахско-турецкий университет имени Х.А. Ясави
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Currently, the disposal of waste is among the major problem in all countries. Of 120 billion tons of the substance used in the production and consumption, about 9 billion tons are converted into tangible products and the rest is returned to the environment as waste products [1, 2]. In this regard, the amount of harmful substances coming from anthropogenic sources and their concentration exceed safe level. Current situation in many areas is real risk to all biota including public health.

According to global experience, the best solution to the problem of waste management is the rational use of industrial, domestic and other wastes as secondary raw material. Under this approach, it is possible to solve a range of issues against environmental protection, saving primary materials, electricity and releasing manpower.

Most industrial wastes are valuable materials if they are used wisely, which is clearly seen from picture 1.

Picture 1. clearly shows that many substances and materials related to waste, in actual fact we can re-enable the economic cycle or use them as raw material for other industries, or make useless things useful to meet different needs. Solving waste disposal problem is also gives opportunity to free up a lot of land for agriculture use [3].

Picture 1. Мethods of discarding waste.

Use of man-made wastes as raw materials is one of the most efficient methods for their utilization. On the one hand, this kind of approach can reduce environmental impact, on the other hand it ensures efficiently use of scarce and non-renewal natural resources, substituting primary raw material with secondary one. Many developed countries have been almost completely and successfully solving all these problems. This is particularly so with Japan, USA, Germany, France, the Baltic countries and many others.

The serious problem causing for Kazakhstan are solid wastes, as there are no facilities for processing them. Every year, there has been accumulated more than 14 million solid waste at the rate of 1,3 to 2,2 m3 per inhabitant. The complexity of solving the utilization problems with full use of both solid industrial waste and domestic waste is lack of clear scientifically based classification, necessity of use complicated capital-intensive equipment and lack of economic feasibility of each specific solution. So far, cheapest and most appropriate method of waste management is sanitary landfills designed for long-term and safe disposal [4].

According to the Ministry of environment and water resources of Kazakhstan report, there has been accumulated 23 billion tons of solid waste in the territory of country. Every year amount of accumulated solid waste is increasing by an average of 700 mln tons. To solve problem with garbage, there is planned and has started implementation of pilot projects on solid domestic waste management in the following cities: Almaty, Aktau, Astana, Dzhambul, Karaganda, Chimkent, Petropavlovsk and Ust-Kamenogorsk. It is planned to achieve water recycling level to 70% by separating substances that can be recycled from domestic and industrial waste by 2020.

It should be noted that implemented technologies of processing solid waste in the world have number of disadvantages. The main ones are their poor environmental study related to formation of secondary waste containing toxic organic compounds and a high processing cost. It is specifically related to waste containing chlorinated derivatives and releasing highly toxic organic compounds (dioxins, etc.). Dioxin formation components of MSW are materials such as cardboard, paper, plastic, PVC products, etc.

Remaining major problem is utilization of wastes containing toxic substances which are luminescent lamps, mercury-containing devices (thermometers, batteries, etc.). Specially designed places for destruction of products out of date.

Oil-producing, transporting and processing industries are the most ecologically dangerous branches of the economy, as the scale of production increase is accompanied by growth of oil pollution and waste. This causes a build-up of environmental threats, reducing the area of ​​economic land, soil loss and deterioration of health. Besides company operates at high pressures and temperatures, with highly toxic, flammable and explosive substances and respectively they are sources of increased technological and environmental risks.

Due to environmental and economic reasons the attention is focused on the urgency of the problem of process waste disposal and usage. At present the necessity to develop chemical production of mineral fertilizers and other products based on using oil and other productions waste as a secondary raw material is becoming increasingly obvious.

Reference literature

  1. Akbasova Amankul, Sainova Gauhar. Growth stimulant agents and bactericides. ‒ М.: Publishing House of the Academy of Natural Sciences, 2015. – 120 р.

  2. Ecological state of the environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan and measures to improve it: state report, 1995-2000 у. Almaty – 2000.

  3. YES. Krivoshein, L.A. Muravei, NN Roeva, etc. Ecology and life safety: Textbook for high schools / Edited by L.А. Muravei. – М.: UNITY – DANA, 2000. – 447р.

  4. http://kz.energo.gov.kz.

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