IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Алимова Д.К. 1, Дуйсебекова А.М. 1
1Международный казахско-турецкий университет имени Х.А. Ясави
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Rapid development of science, technical progress and the modern demands are improving the skills of deep thinking and comprehension of school pupils. Therefore, it is better to start research work from school in order to create a competitive creative personality [1].

For the successful implementation of the research activities, it is important to be existed own-educational features and research abilities in a subject. It is necessary any target skills need to be understood as methods and ways of research activities to any researchers: observing the problem, prognosis or forecast, monitoring, conduct experiments, findings and conclusions, giving the definition of the concept and others [2].

During the academic discipline of biotechnology, pupils will be able to obtain knowledge about the main directions of biotechnological scientific research, experiment requirements, describing the results of the observation and its types.

In recent years, micro-propagation technology is used in floricultural industries used of many countries. On the basis of this method, we have made a control work of the mechanism for the cultivation of room plant cells. The research carried out by micro-propagation method. Propogational micro- multiplication went by a few steps. [3]

Figure-1. Stages of micro-multiplication

The first stage: 1) the mother plant was chosen; 2) clipping the plants.

It is possible to use all parts of the plant to increase. Bulbous shells for the plants increased by bulbous, stem bud for rose and chrysanthemum, and leaf sections for a room decorative-leaf-begonia, saintpaulia, gloxinia and episcia. Selected fragment size is 1 sq.sm. And then neutralize them in the freezer solvents. Then put on the nutrients needed to grow a variety of additives in vitro. In this stage, "a clipping" of plant began to grow in vitro.

In the second stage, grow-demanded phytohormones are put into nutrient medium in order to get the aquatic plants. Each small plants begin to grow in vitro. Used artificial light.

In the third stage, we planted the plants in sterile soil. During the 1-4 weeks adaptation of plants planted in the soil are taken into account. The resulting plants can be grown in the greenhouse as it deems appropriate to the size.

Propagational micro-multiplication has several advantages:

  1. High quality features are kept.

  2. Plants are protected from a variety of viruses, diseases.

  3. One part can take up to 10000000 floral plants a year.

  4. Breeding can be reduced 3-4 times.

  5. To accelerate flowering plants.

  6. To speed up the growth of the slow breeding plants.

7. The opportunity to work for a year. [4]

Biotechnology methods will be able to reduce the cost of building materials and can give a lot of opportunities to buyers. Therefore, the plants taken by propagational micro-multiplication are harmless for human body and the environment.

Step 1: Initiation.

In vitro initiation of culture: sterile explants (Part of the leaf, flower stalk, treated with sterile solution) put into nutrient environment.

Step 2: The formation and growth of micro-plants.

Repeat Step 1 depending on the size and number of explants and the required number of these plants.

Step 3: Rooting.

Separate plants are added into a new nutrient medium for rooting.(the past 2 months from the culture initiation is taken into account).

Step 4: Planting and planting adaptation.

The plant is fully mature, well-developed roots and leaves and eady for planting (the past 3-4 months were taken into account.)

Planted plants put in the greenhouse so that the moisture content of the air for 2-3 weeks. Due to its natural state of adaptation and growing actively, begin to decrease the air humidity.

In conclusion, the methods of scientific, creative and being aware of research skills provide training developed, comprehensive disciples with deep worldview and able to decide everything in any case.

Scientific search of their children in school, to deepen their knowledge to protect a person to enter into the world of education can be considered as one step in order to include the development of the area.

To deepen the knowledge of school pupils through involvement in research projects, researches, can be considered as one step to enter the development area of a person in the world of education.

Referencesto sources

  1. The concept of the 12-year secondary education. Astana, 2005

  2. Musabekov M.O., Students research. S., 2003.

  3. S. S. Modern biotechnology methods: S. S. Kenzhebayeva. Almaty: Kazakh University, 2011. - 212 p.

  4. http://www.velib.com/read_book/zajjceva_irina/sekretnye_rezultaty_opytov_klonirovanija

Просмотров работы: 184