МОИ ЛЮБИМЫЕ АМЕРИКАНСКИЕ ПИСАТЕЛИ - Студенческий научный форум

IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


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I am a big fan of world literature. I can not imagine my life without reading. After opening a new book, you every time go on a fascinating journey, try on the role of the main character and live through the exciting, joyful, and sometimes tragic events together with him. Perhaps I can be called a romantic person because I prefer the good old rustling pages to modern audiobooks and electronic devices. The list of books which have been read by me goes beyond the list of works limited by the curriculum for literature. Today I can tell you about the distinctive features of the French, British, German or American literature.

The literature of America attracts me with its patriotism, cheerful humor, courage, sober outlook on life and love of nature. The especially bright period in the development of American literature, in my opinion, is the 20th – 21st century, when there was a rapid development of several directions simultaneously. Ernest Hemingway's, a giant of the American and world literature, created his works exactly in that period.

The protagonists of his works are wholesome, strong-willed people with high moral principles. They hate war and admire the beauty and power of nature, love sincerely and struggle with meanness and injustice. The unique laconic style of Hemingway helps the reader to get close to the era in which he lived and wrote his works as well as understand the writer’s moral code. Reading Hemingway, you start to breathe the same air with his heroes. Of course, I'm not a great expert, but I am sure that a person who has not read "The Old Man and the Sea" does not know anything about the American literature.

The creative activity of such world known writers as Theodor Dreiser, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck and many others, falls on the same period. And, besides, in the twentieth century such new areas as fantasy and science fiction began their rapid development. The names of Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Edgar Burroughs, Robert Shackley, Henry Kuttner and other American fiction writers of the 20th -21st century became iconic for several generations of science fiction fans.

As for me, I have read most of the fiction best-sellers written by famous authors — a series of books about the "human cub" who became a real king of the jungle, about time travels, about a girl Ellie who went to a magician with her friends, and many others. But the writings of George RR Martin have made the greatest impression on me, and, in particular, the cycle of his novels "A Song of Ice and Fire", the screen version of which is known worldwide as the "Game of Thrones."

In his imagination, the writer managed to create an entire world, reminding the Middle Age era. The magnitude of the action and the amount of detail really amaze the reader. On the continent of Westeros there unfolds a fierce struggle for the royal throne between the representatives of several warring families. On the pages of the series you will meet warriors, monks, artisans and members of royal families.

The inhabitants of the fictional world have their own system of government, religion and traditions, and they all somehow become the participants of wars and intrigues initiated by contenders for the throne. Following the events of the novel is a real pleasure for a fan of fantasy. To be honest, I had to postpone doing some home assignments to read a new book to the end as quickly as it was possible.

It should be noted that in 20th -21st centuries the first "king’s of horror"- Stephen King’s works were written. It's amazing how this susceptible and vulnerable in his childhood boy surpassed the popularity of the American horror literature’s founder, Edgar Allan Poe. Of course, my parents and teachers recommend me not to focus too much on King’s writings, but I could not resist and got acquainted with one of the most "harmless" novels, which was created by the writer in collaboration with Peter Straub.

The novel is called "The Talisman" and it tells the reader about the long and dangerous journey, which a 12-year-old boy decided to take up to save his mother. In the parallel world many dangers await Jack, but he also meets good friends who help him realize his plans and find the precious talisman. In my opinion, this work is a fine example of a fantasy novel, which is sure to be enjoyed by many of my peers.

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