VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Присакарь Я.В. 1, Новикова Л.В. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет
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Russian is the official language in my country. And I am proud of it, But English language plays a great role in our life, because it is too often used in different spheres.

Nowadays we got access to authentic us press, to Western books and original movies and native English speakers came to teach English at our universities. The influence of English became obvious.

The joining of borrowings into Russian language increased especially in 90 years of XX century.

Most of scientists divide Russian influence of the English lexical system into two periods:

1.Borrowing of Soviet period.

2.Post-Soviet period.

Of course, there were English words in Russian in the Soviet period: we pronounced girlfriend, boyfriend, weekend and happy end almost in the same way as they are pronounced in English. And now we see a completely different type of influence, it is very strong and new worlds from English are becoming ubiquitous.

Many of them are connected with the field of computing. Some of them are used without changes, ex: browser, e-mail, mailbox, provider, hacker, chat, user. Etc. Post- Soviet countries opened their borders and became a part of a global economy. Many words are produced in Russian slang every day; they have English roots and Russian affixes, example: smailink (from smile as in smiley, the sing used in e-mails and text messages).

Sometimes we use a common Russian word with a new meaning. For example, mylo means “soap” in Russian, but we say mylo in spoken Russian meaning “e-mail”, because mylo and e-mail song similar.

Young people’s speech is full of English borrowings, including Wow, cool, dance and others.

Large Russian-speaking communities are spread all over the world and their members speak Russian mixed with borrowings. Newcomers usually borrow words which refer to food, accommodation, jobs, etc. Even those people who have only recently arrived in the USA start using many English words in their Russian speech, example : landlord, porch, deposit, rent, insurance, workshop, cheesecake and others.

Borrowings are words and word combinations, adopted from one language to another according to its phonetic and grammatical rules. The number of borrowing is different in each language. It became fashionable for nowadays to use borrowings which came from English into Russian. We can’t deny the speed of technical progress in English-speaking countries. It is obvious that they have a great potential in almost every sphere of modern society. That’s why we need to borrow words in order to name new concepts.

The other reason and may be the most important is that English language nowadays serves as the language of international communication. We must remember, that everything is changeable and language especially. The reason is that the language is the most sensitive phenomenon to the changes in the surrounding word: economics, politics and technological progress with its inventions. Only language can express our feelings, actions, thoughts and relations among people, events that occur with us.

From the ancient times Russian nation came into cultural, trade, military and political relations with other states that certainly leaded to the language borrowings.

Step by step borrowings assimilated in borrowing language, had formed the layer of widespread words. And Russian language got rich by means of borrowed words.

It is possible to distinguish the following groups ofborrowings.

Direct borrowings. The words are met in Russian in the same form in the same meaning language. Example: money, weekend.

  1. Hybrids. These words were formed by addition of Russian suffixes, prefixes and endings to the foreign root. In this way the meaning of the word often changes. Ex: Busy («бузить»).

  2. Calques. Word of foreign origin using with the preservation of its phonetic and graphic shape. Ex: Club, dish, slang, dj.

  3. Half-calques. Words which after being grammatically assimitated were put under the grammatical rules of Russian language. Ex: driver.

  4. Exotisms. Such words are characterized by specific national custums of manners of foreign nations and are used to show the atypical for Russian reality notions. They have no equivalent or synonyms in Russians. Ex: chips, hot-dog.

  5. Foreign lingual spots. Such words usually have lexical equivalents, but they stylistically differ from these equivalents and are used in the sphere of communication as expressive means to add a peculiar emotiveness to the speech. Ex: O’key, Wow!

  6. Composites. Words which were made by means of two or more English lexical units.

  7. Jargonisms. These words are appeared in consequence of some sounds distortion. Ex: «Мыло» - e-mail, crazy.

It is great that we have an open society and can visit different countries, communicate with different people and read many books. But one of the greatest problems of our teenagers, that they don’t like to read books.

English has now achieved global status. Whenever we turn on the news to find out what’s happening in the world, people are being interviewed and telling us about it in English. English is used in over ninety countries as an official or semi-official language.

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