VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Парманкулова Д.Р. 1, Аманова М.С. 2
1Кафедра английский язык МКТУ им. А. Ясави, г.Туркестан,Казахстан
2МКТУ им. А. Ясави, г.Туркестан,Казахстан
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Modern tendencies of modernization of educational program need some active teaching means and methods. The usage of new informational technologies and competence-based approach in the teaching process accompanied the problem of professional training teachers of mathematics by creating and developing some methods of using Internet technologies informing

professional and informational competence of specialists. Different characteristics of activities, which can he used to develop professional and communicative competence using Internet technologies are stated out in the article.

In all spheres of education there are formed new viewpoints, new relations (to transfer to a new basic curriculum, to perfect knowledge contents, to adopt a new methodical complex, etc.), and new thinking formation. At present times within traditional methods of education, there paid attention to students being assimilated discipline knowledge, competence, oriented to adoption of skills and habits, to development their individualities and formation their personalities. The new system of teaching has been created in the Republic with transition on world educational sphere. This is connected to the cardinal changes in theory of pedagogies and educational training: that is to say of renewed contents of knowledge, new points of view, other relations, and another mentality appearing.

Without assimilation of leading technology in the sphere of education it is impossible to be literate and all-round expert. Adopting new technology influences on formation of future specialist’s intellectual and professional, moral and humane, and other civic features; assists in organizing of self-development and self-education.

In pedagogy of education we ought to speak of its several models:

  1. a passive one - a student performs the role of the "object of teaching" (listening and seeing);

  2. an active one - a student carries out the role of the "subject of teaching" (an unassisted the work, a creative work, a laboratory and practical work).

  3. an interactive one - inter (mutual), act (activate). Here we give an explanation to the notion of the word “interactive”. The word of "interactive" is of English origin, as of: 1 .interactive - interactive teaching methods, processes, etc. involve people working together and discussing what they do. 2. interactive programs, computing programs, etc. involving communication between a computer and the person using it, so "inter" means mutual, and "act" means activation.

So the word “interactive” we understand as a process of a good debates between student and allowance of education. And thus, the process of education is realized through mutual constant active relations between all the students. And a student and teacher become equal subjects of education.

To apply an interactive teaching model is considered drawing models of life situations, usage role plays, and solving a problem collectively. U limits the separation of any participant or idea of educational process (as to pay attention to advanced learners only).

An interactive teaching technology is based to collective, self-fulfilled, mutual relationship of all participants, to organize a full-grown educational process.

There are being changed the usage of new modem technologies requirements and types. But the most main technologies should be rationally and systematically used.

By means of methods used during lesson as personality all-round well development and creative thinking knowledge have been adopted.

On analyzing pedagogical technologies it should be paid attention to these factors:

  • Matching to the title and content of applied technologies lesson;

  • Rationality, systematization, and other sides.

In XXI age all countries have put on the first place the quality of teaching. Its value is not only limiting by the level of literacy (as writing, reading, and calculation), but its criterion is a functional literacy.

In interactive method there is used such types of cognition as:

  1. to mind the facts;

  2. to think;

  3. to use adopted knowledge in a new condition;

  4. to select, analyze, and synthesize (to come to common solution, connect all ideas);

  5. to estimate (to testify the quality)

This method firstly differentiates and renews the forms and types of teaching, methods of education, technologies the process of education (to use the leading technology, for instance: Internet, white board, electronic textbooks, etc.). The most essential is to provide to develop learners as subject of educational process. It is necessary to pay a keen attention to their activity in educational process, to respect their opinions, to assist their coming to a common solution, not to criticize their opinion, to belittle their merits.

As well as, at an interactive method it should mind the following:

- it is necessary to keep liberty and rights of an personality;

- it is necessary to create condition for presenting himself as a personality;

- it is necessary to give him an opportunity to show his creativeness;

- it is necessary to give a pedagogical support to him.

In this case one of the efficient way is a usage an interactive method at lesson.

An interactive teaching technology deals with the following directions as:

  • work in pairs;

  • work in a little group;

  • role play;

  • discussion;

  • the debate, etc.

Interactive action at lesson leads to mutual understanding, mutual action, mutual solving problems, and to organizing and developing the relationship between them. The advantage of an interactive teaching method as:

  • arise the interest of personality;

Expand their active participation to educational process;

  • pay attention to each personality’s feeling;

  • effectively adopt the scholastic material;

  • affect the multi-aspect activity of personalities;

  • form the opinion and interrelations of a personality;

Uses for interactive whiteboards include:

  • use eBooks, which are very interesting to use on the lessons and easy for students to work at home;

  • conduct video-lessons, they give opportunity to watch lessons of native English speakers on phonetics, grammar and vocabulary material;

  • use project technology, students can make presentations on different topics, so they improve speaking and creative skills;

  • use Dictionaries, which help to work with vocabulary by looking at the picture and definition, listening and practicing new words, they also give a chance to find new vocabulary in different contexts;

  • to work with educational websites and have on-line conferences.

  • use karaoke videos, which can be very useful for developing listening, reading and speaking skills, as students love singing, especially if the material was selected according to their age, level and interests;

  • have brainstorming, when teachers can draw different schemes and elicit students’ talk, so they improve their speaking and communicative skills.

  • use visual aids, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is particularly true when teaching English as a second language. Visual aids can be used to teach everything from vocabulary to prepositions. In addition to instructional advantages, visuals keep lessons interesting for the learners. Especially when there is access to an overhead or slide projector for effective presentations.

  • to practice conversations with computer with the help of different interactive programs.

These and others of a wide variety of exercises, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives.

In fact, students are usually really good at using the computer and like working on the Internet, so these activities can become an integral part of everyday learning and teaching process.

By taking account of learners' needs and making provision for learner choice in this way, one of the major advantages of using computers in language learning - their capacity to allow learners to work at their own pace and in their own time can be more fully exploited.

To measure the effectiveness of modem technologies I practiced using them in classes with my students. I tried to select activities according to their opportunities, levels, age and based communicative approach.

And after two years work I understood the importance of them as an integral part of lesson, which is aimed on the increasing of students’ motivation, which is known to be very important for effective teaching and learning.

Of course, traditional methodology is the base of teaching and as I think every class should be based on traditional and reliable technologies with the elements of modem technologies. So teacher always tries to make lesson different, interesting, rich and full of activities, which help learners to be interested and motivated.

In summary, modem technologies and computer-based programs appear to be beneficial in the development of basic comprehension and communicative performance in the all stages of learning.

An interactive method assists each person to deliver the education in all periods, and make an active condition for important educational system.

In conclusion, due to usage of any technology we can get definite advantages. It is a demand of time to use an innovation system of education in promoting the personality of future generation.


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  4. Pedagogika: kazaksha tusindirme terminologiyalyk sozdik (Pedagogics: rammalp Kazakh Explanatory Terminological Dictionary). - Almaty, 2007. - 246 p.

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