Обсуждение работы ТОТАЛИТАРИЗМ И ОТКРЫТОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО - Студенческий научный форум

VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Глухарева А.А. 1, Матяр Т.И. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых
  • Ухолов Семен Владимирович 17.02.16 в 09:37 #
    In the open society does not impose restriction of speech on the citizens. On the other hand it does not curb the power and the decision making right of the individual citizen. In open society citizens have great share in state decision making whereas in totalitarianism the single person with whom the power lies alone is bestowed with the power of state decision speaking. All citizens are considered equal before law in the case of democracy. The question of equality of citizens does not arise a
  • Polina Romanova 29.02.16 в 16:13 #
    totalitarianism is still an important subject for scientific study, I think. Well done, nice article

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