УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ЦИФРОВЫМИ ПРАВАМИ - Студенческий научный форум

VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


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When you need to protect your information, you can use organizational, legal, policy, software and hardware protection. Digital Rights Management is a class of technologies that are used by hardware manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders, and individuals with the intent to control the use of digital content and devices after sale. With first-generation DRM software, the intent is to control copying; with second-generation DRM, the intent is to control executing, viewing, copying, printing, and altering of works or devices.

The use of digital rights management is not universally accepted. Some content providers claim that DRM is necessary to fight copyright infringement and that it can help the copyright holder maintain artistic control or ensure continued revenue streams. Proponents argue that digital locks should be considered necessary to prevent "intellectual property" from being copied freely, just as physical locks are needed to prevent personal property from being stolen. Computer games sometimes use DRM technologies to limit the number of systems the game can be installed on by requiring authentication with an online server. Enterprise digital rights management is the application of DRM technology to the control of access to corporate documents rather than to the control of consumer media [1].

DRM opponents argue that the presence of DRM violates existing private property rights and restricts a range of heretofore normal and legal user activities. A DRM component would control a device a user owns by restricting how it may act with regards to certain content, overriding some of the user's wishes [2].

Список использованных источников:

  1. Лопатина, О. И. Активные методы обучения. / О.И.Лопатина - Успехи современного естествознания. – 2012. – № 5 – С. 171-171.

  2. Воробец, Л. В. Массовая культура как объект аксиологического исследования. / Л.В.Воробец. - Тамбов: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Издательство "Грамота". - Исторические, философские, политические и юридические науки, культурология и искусствоведение. Вопросы теории и практики. - 2013. № 4-1 (30). - С. 49-52.

  3. Першина, Е. Ю. Першина, Е.Ю. Научная иноязычная речь магистров технических направлений: компетентностный подход. − Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики. − Тамбов: Грамота, 2014. − № 9. − Ч. 1. – С. 138-142.

Просмотров работы: 663